Complete Newbie needs help

Thanks electron, I was wondering how high the "ports" went.

I'll make some changes when I get home tonight, now that I know I have things set up right.

Today was a test day.
Rupp, my screen in V1.7 is slightly different but I have the same settings. I'm not sure what Mike is referring to as relates 'Administrative Tools'. Is this in the router settings? I changed to a new port number as the 25000's or so. I tried in the 50000's but that wouldn't even stay in HS. With the new port number, I can get the web page running on the HS pc, but still can't get to it from another pc on the LAN.

Maybe I need to try v2.0?

I would suggest a more common port like 81 or 88 or 8080. Once this is set on the web server tab you should be able to keyin something like to see your status page. To insure the proper ipaddress open up a DOS window and keyin ipconfig and grab the ipaddress from there.
I changed to port 8080 and the same happens....I can get the web page on the HS pc but not any other pc on the LAN.

I double checked the ip address as well.
Since you moved your HS webserver to 8080, can you run the following command from the dos prompt (see below how to get there), and paste the output please:
Start > Run > CMD[hit enter] > netstat -na | findstr 8080
Thanks electron, I'll give that a try and post when I get home late tonight.

As an fyi, I installed the trial version of HS2.0 early this morning. Got the thing to work locally, enabled the web server on port 8080 and headed for the office. Just got here and tried to access..............Error 504...timeout Must not be the software.

actually, I believe 504 is a gateway time out, so it might be a firewall/proxy issue since you are at work. If you PM me the IP & Port, I can try it for you (no user/pass needed, since I don't need to get that far).
Well folks, I finally succeeded…………to a degree. I brought all of my stuff to the home that I want to control and set it up. Got it all working within the house and then tried to set up the web server. Again, I had the same problem; I couldn’t access the HS box from my work laptop. So, I bypassed the router and plugged the cable modem straight into the HS box, armed the firewall and tried again. This time, HS would not even start so I disarmed the firewall. Then it worked. I then created a rule to have the firewall recognize HS and all works fine.

Now, what I will do is try to reinstall the router so I can access my work VPN network with my laptop. I expect I may have the same router issues, but I think I will be able to get the help of the IT team at work, since it is their router.

Thanks for all the help……..
