Controlling 6 Button HAI controller through programs



I am trying to make the HAI 6 button controller act as 6 independant buttons and I am having trouble. I have a Lumina and here is what I have done.

I assigned the 6-button controller to unit 6 (not 1) on the lumina, configured the lumina to see it. Then I went into UpStart and removed all the send and receive links that went to other devices and turned the buttons into toggles. Each button still sends its own link (1-6).

Now back at the Lumina I wrote a program to:

When Button 6 pressed toggle Fountain (this is an outlet from simply automated)
When Fountain on Button 6 LED on
When Fountain off Button 6 LED off

I can turn the fountain on with the button press but not off. Also if I turn the fountain on with Upstart the button doesn't light. Finally, I think the buttons change LED state when I press it rather than with the program control.

Does anyone know if what I'm doing is possible with the 6-button controller? The funny thing is I have an 8 button house controller too and assigned that to Unit 3 (not 8, 16, etc.) and the exact same program seems to work fine.

Any help would be appreciated.


Just closing out the post.

What did the trick was a) setting up the controller in UPB mode and not HLC mode AND having the Lumina program the controller.

When I programmed it via upstart and simply had the unit number match the Lumina unit name it still didn't work.

It looks like the Lumina programming turns the buttons into custom buttons instead of toggles.

Thats the only visible difference I see at least.

I have a few guys over at the Worthington forums to thank for their pointers!
