Door video intercom with smartphone integration


New Member
Wonder if anyone knows of a product that will allow me to integrate a hardwired video door intercom system to two monitors in house with a smartphone.
I am building a house and hardwired in advance for a video intercom at front door and two video monitors in the house to answer the door
So I was prepared to get a product like entryvu.
Then I saw the doorbot.
It is an integrated video doorbell intercom that works with mobile devices. It would come in handy if we are our by pool or not at home.
I still want the Video intercom in house...I like the idea of having the monitor on the wall and I already spent the money to do the wiring.
But that smartphone feature is great on the doorbot.
Other then getting both and having two doorbells and intercoms at my front door, can anyone suggest another product or solution ?
No smartphone integration for Secolarm.
I'd say Aiphone with a virtual unit, but the price isn't going to be friendly....bulletproof but not without a price.
A different approach could be the 2N Helios - it's an IP based intercom; you could put together a couple phones in the house it calls as well as a SIP client on your smartphone.  Depends on what kind of stuff you like to tinker with.
Thanks..was looking at AI website. Not sure i see the way to integrate smartphone..
The seco is nice for the base unit...but also, no smartphone

I wonder if just getting two units, a doorbot and a seco type system with a little sign please press both buttons is going to be the way go...

Will keep looking...
Thanks for help.
Danrudy said:
I wonder if just getting two units, a doorbot and a seco type system with a little sign please press both buttons is going to be the way go...
Or, just have the button not go to any system directly, rather have it activate a relay coil with two poles and have each pole be the 'button' for your separate systems. ;)
THe thought had crossed my mind to have a separate button activate both units but I was thinking along terms of of having the button physically push both buttons simultaneously. (sort of a plate across both buttons that pushes both in when a button on the plate is pushed in.
However, I could not think of any configuration that would be anything but god awful ugly and would never pass my wife's design test....SHe would not want me making the new front entry on her new house a frankenstein experiment of a doorbell. It needs to be sleek and stylish....
Your idea intrigues me....create a button that activates both machines....via internal wires....But I think that is beyond me as well as to how to make it look sleek. I am still stuck with two units and two cameras at the front door. (actually 3 as I have a separate camera on the home camera system for always on monitoring going in as well...
What have I done???
Lots of ways to do this...maybe something like this using an Elk-960 Timer Relay, a doorbell push button, 12 volt DC supply (wall wart will do), and a 12 volt, 4PDT relay with socket as listed HERE.
The Elk-960 ensures you get a contact closure no matter how short the 'push' is of the doorbell button.  You can also adjust the 'wheel' on the pot to say something like five to ten seconds to prevent multiple actions from happening just in case someone gets push happy with the doorbell.
This would require getting into a 'closed' system if the contacts to the button were not available (in other words, the button was integrated with the electronic enclosure).
Thank you BSR...
Am going to have to go over that diagram caredully to make sure I grasp.
In the meantime....I found two possibiliites.
Siedele corp
and Ness corp smartbell
AM going to call them this week...
Chekc out Paxton Net2 Entry. They are now shipping with the new SIP firmware. I have installed a lot of these and they are very user friendly. The Net2 Entry is a full access control system with ACU, prox card reader and/or keypad entry build in the door station, simple Cat5 connection and works over TPv6 Protocol.
The system can also be ties to the Elk system to dis-arm and arm your system based on valid access.
BSR, Do you know the cost of that product? what kind of wires do you need to run for something like this?
BraveSirRobbin said:
Seco-larm 'just' came out with this Enforcer product.
newalarm said:
BSR, Do you know the cost of that product? what kind of wires do you need to run for something like this?
I don't know any specifics.  I just noticed this announcement (of the product) in my email recently.