I am having this exact same problem under Windows *Vista* - The "Update or Verify Firmware" option on the Send/Rcv menu causes absolutely nothing to happen, despite the fact that I am connected and every other feature is working. I've actually been having this issue since day 1 (2 weeks ago) and have been meaning to post about it here - when I saw this old thread, I figured I'd just pile on to it. I am the using the latest version of RP, and Jim at Automated Outlet personally updated my M1 to the latest firmware at the AO shop last week. However, I still need to update my XRF, XEP, XSP, DBH, etc.
Something of note, using Vista, there are other features which are not working properly, or at all. The help system is completely disabled, and clicking on either of the Help options throws the following pop-up:
"The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which was used in previous versions of Windows and it is not supported in Windows Vista."
Clicking "About" from the Help menu does absolutely nothing at all, just like the firmware update option.
I guess I should read other threads before asking this, but since the original poster was using a later version of the Windows installer, I thought it might be relavent to ask: Is this just a compatibility issue with Vista in general that is causing all of these things? I have a dual-boot with XP, but I need to run Vista on this machine since it is also my HTPC and is connected to the DLP in the family room (I demand multi-tasking from all of my machines for the sake of efficiency, to allow me to buy more Elk goodies). Anyway, I've already integrated all of my media into Vista MCE, and going to back to XP at this point because of a compatibility problem with RP would seem.....anticlimactic. So, are these now known issues, and will there be a release targeted for Vista compatibility? I guess I should install it on my XP partition anyway, to see if that is actually the problem (and I will do that, and update all my firmware from XP if possible), but I still think these are relevant questions. Thanks.