IVB said:
..What's your screen look like? That mobo vidcard is god awful ugly. I'm going to crack open the case to see if it's low-profile only...
I'm also thinking about pulling the floppy disk and putting an HD in there.
Finally, how loud does yours get? I noticed that when the fan gets going, it's DANG loud.
My screen looks fine. I have it at 1024x768x85Hertz, 32bit and it's sharing a monitor with another PC via KVM. I have not tried cranking up the res to see what it's capable of, though. It's running to a CRT monitor, so if you're using LCD with its VGA output, your pic may not do so well since LCDs prefer DVI.
That's a good idea... if there's no room for a HDD inside, pull the FDD and put one there... As a matter of fact, I could do that with a hotswap drive, so if I ever need any of the footage stored on the drive (since this is a camera server) It'll be easy to access.
I'm pretty sure it'll only take 1/2-height cards, especially given that most graphic cards today are taller than full height (due to heat sinks/pipes etc.)
Mine is extremely quiet. I cannot hear it at all. Maybe yours has a bum fan in it.
I think mine may have been refurb'd due to a powersupply burnin-up or some other catastrophic failure. The reason I think this is becuase when I pulled it our of the box/plastic bag it came in, I could really smell ozone/smoke/melted plastic. I was actually afraid to plug it in at first, thinking it would start a fire. My guess is that a component in it prior to refurb burnt-up and was replaced with a new one. Maybe it was the PS, so my PS is brand-new giving me a quieter machine.
What kind of noise is yours making? Is it just loud fan noise? HDD noise? or something "grindy"? If it has an old fan, its bushing/bearing could be on its last leg resulting in a lot of noise... you'd think they'd of caught that during refurb, though.
By the way, despite the geeks site saying "may have scratches, broken bezels, etc.," mine was in pristine condition on the outside. Looked brand-new.