Getting a true 240 FPS from your eBay card

Hi Guys. I am using a ebay bt878 card that came with pico2000. I have loaded Diginet as specified, I only get one of my four cams and it is repeated in the other 3 locations (i.e. 4 of the same cameras). Anyone got any ideas how to resolve this?

Well, I finally got it to work, somewhat.
I used the BTWIN connextant drivers and loaded them thru system manager, then I loaded webcamxp, and selected the directx video sources... and voila:

no kodicom software...and what a cheesy page :lol:

The system is kinda weird though, upon rebooting, winxp will not initialize the cameras, so I have to change back to the kodicom drivers, load the kodicom program, kill the kodicom program, switch back to the connextant drivers, then load webcamxp.

I dont know all the settings in webcamXP, but will play with it this weekend. It looks like it has some area motion capture/record/email capabilities.......
Hey - can I share a PC running the Diginet software with other duties (i.e., TV recording & playback)? I've finally installed my kodicomm card & software on a brand new box, was hoping to use it for both camera duties as well as serving up TV/DVD content to certain zones in my house.

Also, does it really need the whole dang HD? It asked me to allocate a whole HD to it.
Right now I use a P4 2.4 PC running Diginet, HAL2000 and to watch an occasional DVD in my bedroom. I previously had Diginet running on a P4 2.8HT and was able to also use the same PC as my primary TV DVR and bedroom DVD player.

Diginet doesn't require it's own physical HD for recording, but does require at least one dedicated HD partition. I use an old 80GB HD for this, which gives me about 1-2 weeks of recording 5 cameras at 640x480, 30 FPS.
Diginet used less CPU on my 2.8HT PC. I haven't tested whether that was due to the HT chip or more memory (1 GB of memory instead of 512 MB). It used about 5-10% CPU on my HT PC, compared to 20-40% on my non-HT PC. I also went back to version 4.11 instead of 4.13 because 4.13 takes away the ability to Alt-Tab between open applications.
So does audio go through the sound card on this Kodicomm clone? It only supports 1 channel, right?

I have a question about the Kodicom program. After I installed the ver. 4.13 I noticed that my screensaver programs have quit working. I don't know if it is the program, or possibily something else. Has anyone else noticed this?

Yes, 4.13 takes over your computer much more aggressively. The program was meant to be the only thing running on the computer.

If you need to run other things you are best to use v4.11


The problem is that I am using the motion detection software and the seperate i/o board. I could only get this to work with the 4.13 and not 4.11.

I figured that my screen saver issues were due to the kodicom software.
