Homeseer 2.0 Ready for Release?

Dean Roddey said:
If you are looking to move on, we'd be glad to have you as a customer. We are having a 25% off Labor Day sale, starting on the 5th, so you can get a good price. And it's just one price, since all supported devices are part of the package and it's a site license.

Please kindly keep posts advertising your product in your "CQC" thread. ;) If CocoonTech can be any assistance, please let us know!



BTW: I think it is looking like a great product! :huh:
Dean Roddey said:
Hehe, no problem Dean. We are vendor friendly here. I just wanted the thread to stay on track. Like I mentioned earlier, if CocoonTech can be of any assistance to you please let us know. You have been very generous to our membership and we appreciate it!

As far as this thread goes, let's please keep the "friendly" and informative exchange of information flowing. It would pain me to see this take the mood currently in place over at the HS boards (I myself have stopped posting/visiting there for the moment).

Kindest regards,

CocoonTech Moderator
Skibum said:
You're right Squintz. It's really not about the money.

When was it that HST started to go all south... let me Tink a minute.
Oh man you are so on the mark with that one dude!!! I've been thinking the same thing. Dude has always come accross with a attitude in his posts like he's doing everyone a favor by being there!
In my years (yeah I am getting old) I have seen many companies try to go from a humble small company nutured from a grass root effort of users to a 'professional' company only to fall flat on its feet. I am hoping that HST does not go down in flames but it has happened to bigger and better companies in the past. I think HST went south went they lost touch with their long time user base.... the forums are what built and kept HST growing and was a major asset for them.... now its a neglected and unwanted fixed cost of doing business...... such a shame to see it happen....

Its funny that you say that. I had a perfectly working HCA installation. But there was no user community and support seemed to be limited. So I went with the Homeseer product.
The Homeseer board in the early days was absolutely incredible. You did not want to go 1 day without reading everything! Everyone was sharing thier cool scripts, everyone was adding to those scripts... it was awesome.

And there was no such thing as a plug-in.