Homeseer 2.0 Ready for Release?

$39 to $99 is NOT a price increase due to an extra year being needed. Inflation may be high, but it's not that bad. ;)
...speaking of announcing... how can you possibly NOT know that your software has 8 months more to develop? Announcing a beta for early January was more than an error in judgement.
"The first 99% of the work takes the first 99% of the time.
The last 1% of the work takes the second 99% of the time."

I think underestimating a software project is more common than we would like to believe. Coupled with .NET (marketed as easy, but difficult in reality), and the fact it's a port (spelled: square-peg-in-round-hole), I'm not surprised with the delay. I would not hold that against HST.
Then Ski you should know what HS did is common place in the industry. I Windows 2000 was released in 2001? MS certainly had more than 3 or 4 working on that OS. This is really not all that rare and as Rocco stated HS simply understated the release date. Either way this is all water under the bridge. HS 2 is here now and you either jump on the train or get left behind.
..and again.. we move from the central question... Is HS2 ready for prime time?

The results speak for themselves.
Over 85% of Experienced home automation users that voted in this poll feel that HS2 is not ready.

not my opinion, but the opinion those on the board. Pretty cut and dry. Not even close.
system Update:
Another day down - no problems with Prod HS2.0 1951...
460 devices, 200 events, 20 plugins enabled, Remote Speaker enabled on 5 PCs, 34 meg ram, 0+ cpu for Homeseer.exe.
and HSPhone modem on a UPS truck!
Time to mess with it and break something! ;)
Of course most of those "devices" are really variable holders for things like mcsSprinkler counters, weather items, Napco Gemini monitored doors / windows, various temps, hard drive space and temp monitoring, etc. Not "X10" type devices - though there are a bunch of those too.
Napco, MediaPlayer, MLHSPlugin, mcsTemp, mcsSprinklers, mcsMovement, Powermonitor, Slinke, PowerUSB x10, touchpad, doonetwork, doomotion, audiotron, zoomplayer, Ultralog, ultrawol, well that's the ones that come to mind.

The above list should show why I think Multithreading is a good thing!
HS2 is in general, still working for me just fine.
I don't care about the copy protection scheme. It works for me. Hopefully HST will get a few more sales which will provide them more support to either fix issues faster, or develop new features quicker. Rich of HST seems pretty open minded about looking at ways that he can protect his IP yet make it easy for paying customers to leverage his software. Blame the copy protection hassle on the thieves. I hate waiting on security line at airports too. Unfortunate fact of current life.
Anyone in the IT community realises that these type of protection schemes do not stop the pirates out there. They just hack around it leaving the honest users a pain to deal with. I have no problem with certain types of protection schemes that do not hinder the legal owners the right to install and reinstall their paid for copy. At least HST should have been more upfront with its users.

John, I agree. But it's like putting a lock on the door that has a nice full length window to it's left. One could easily break the window to gain access. But, if the lock was left off because of the knowledge of this fact - I believe there would be more folks inclined to open the door and make an unauthorized step on in.

The software protection isn't for the one that will break the window, it's to put pause to the ones that would open the door and step in. It should be pretty common knowledge amongst Web savvy users that HS1.6 license codes are posted on the Net. It is a piece of cake to use HS without paying HST for their hard work. The HST license scheme just makes it a bit tougher than google / copy / paste / Use HS.

And we paying customers (and HST) take the brunt. Oh well. I have a lock on my doors too (and lots of windows). (and a "state of the art" alarm).

I have thought HST to have always been upfront. I have always known that HS was licensed to one PC. The only thing that might have changed is if I change hardware a lot and have to get the license turned back on again.