Homeseer to be featured on FOX

Im with smee. Later today i will get an e-mail address for TLC and we can all start sending e-mails to them demanding a Automated house show with normal homes and detailed information on the actual automation. I can think of about 7,000+ views right now.
I forgot that this show was on and didnt even record it... remembered it after the show was over... from what I've read here and other places... I one of the lucky ones :lol:

Did they even mention Homeseer or Mainlobby? If they didn't, I would seriously think about pulling out... whats the point of "donating" to the project if they don't even give you any props...

I would like to see a show about Automating a "normal" home... not a show about Automating a mansion with a $50,000 budget (although, I'd watch that too), but a home that an middle-class income can relate to... might draw in a lot more people into the HA realm.
To the best of my knowledge, they refered to Smarthome once (borrowing a t-shirt from "one of our friends from Smarthome" or something like that). Later they refered to the house as being a smart home. There may have been another reference that I missed - it was hard to pay attention. I don't think they ever mentioned anyone else.

They did mention a window company or something that gave the mother a scholarship for nursing school.

If companies (home automation and otherwise) were hoping to have their names dropped during the show, they were probably disappointed. If anything, they were dropped from the show, instead.
Well, from a individual supplier company perspective, none were probably very happy about TV mentions. Of course the website has more mentions. Regarding good PR for Home Automation as a subject, I would say it was "Ok", not great. By putting 6 monitors and 3 cameras in one kitchen, it is too over the top with no practical purpose. That makes HA appear to be a "toy". Even the thumb key lock was a little ridiculous for an interiour door. Do you think she will even lock her door now? Too much of a pain to get in your own bedroom. I wonder if she will have it removed in a year.

The Theater room that was audibly controlled (turned on) was Ok, and might get people thinking a bit but still not what people will think as daily centric.

All they would have to have done was to explain that by touching this one "Good night" button on the kitchen touchscreen, that all your non essential lights would turn off, your walkway lights would dim up, your alarm would set, your outdoor fountain would turn off, that your outdoor cameras showed up on two of your 6 kitchen monitors, that the kids internet connection was timed out, that your wake up alarm is set, that your coffee would be brewed from when you wake up. More folks would "get it".
Completely inane. I switched to Beethoven after 5 minutes to cool my jets.

Is this thing aimed at valley girls with implanted scream enhancements?

Time for TLC or Discovery to tackle the topic.
It's a reflection of the whole dummy-down thing in our soc...

OK Jay, that's enough :lol:
Sorry, but it's going to take more that a peek a HomeSeer or MainLobby to get me to watch "REALITY TV"!


To the network execs: Get you nose out of that baggie and hire some good writters!
I would love to have an in-wall touch panel PC like that 12" nobu, but man, its over $2600.
Martin has a 15" touchscreen PC for a little over $1500 :lol:
It's a reflection of the whole dummy-down thing in our soc...
I could not agree with you more. A little off topic, but it seems that education, culture, and class are values that are not present in today's society like they used to be! :lol:
Is HomeSeer donating their software and time? If so what a waste. I was in the DC area in a hotel room so I really had nothing else to do so I watched this. Not one mention of HS and not a single shot of a HST employee. What's in it for HST? A tax write off?

I didn't even get a single new idea and that's all I was after. Bummer.