my.Elk 2.3

I just wanted to wrap things up for future readers who may encounter the same error message that I did: the script still works even though there is the error message about the port already being open.

And now for a new question:

What is the ideal device type to setup the keypad thermometer in homeseer?
Man, I am at a TOTAL LOSS to explain this one! I was trying to hack the original script with some success. I then got a little confused as to what the original script had vs mine so I re-downloaded and installed the original and guess what. Everything works. MLHSPlugin works WITH its custom graphic ini settings. The HomeSeer log also works.

All I can say is automate away guys and gals as the HA gods are pleased today! :D
BraveSirRobbin said:
I'm getting this error on statup:

Script error in file: my.elk.txt 13:Type mismatch: 'Cint' in line 853
BSR, how did you resolve this issue...
I'm getting that error now.
I never did resolve that one. I also commented out a statement towards the end that was something like e=sDev (not sure exactly).

But, all seems to be working, at least what I got connected so far.
Electron - Is there any way to get Homeseer and my.Elk (using the latest) to recognize the temperature readings from my 3 Aprilaire 8870s?

Also, my keypad temperature does not log to HS when it changes. All of the other devices write an entry. Any thoughts

Thanks - lz
wow, looks like we had some activity in this thread. I have been pretty busy with a major project. Things are still hectic, but I will probably be able to take a look at it sometime this weekend or next week. If you turn on debugging in my.Elk, do you see the Elk M1 sending the temperature updates?
Actually another big item for this script is the ability to arm, disarm, and be able to read the armed conditions (away, stay, etc...).

I agree with BSR - at the very least read the state. If you are not comfortable with changing the state comment out that functionality by default with huge disclaimers. We really need that....

Here are HS logs from my my elk / 8870s.

4/9/2006 10:01:14 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor(): 13TR021007268770000FE => LEN=13 DATA=TR021007268770000 CRC=FE MSG OK
4/9/2006 10:01:14 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor(): an unknown status update (TR) was received, update will be ignored
4/9/2006 10:01:14 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor() execution time: 0 seconds
4/9/2006 10:01:18 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor(): 13TR021007267770000FF => LEN=13 DATA=TR021007267770000 CRC=FF MSG OK
4/9/2006 10:01:18 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor(): an unknown status update (TR) was received, update will be ignored
4/9/2006 10:01:18 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor() execution time: 0.015625 seconds
4/9/2006 10:01:26 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor(): 13TR021007269770000FD => LEN=13 DATA=TR021007269770000 CRC=FD MSG OK
4/9/2006 10:01:26 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor(): an unknown status update (TR) was received, update will be ignored
4/9/2006 10:01:26 PM~!~my.elk:debug~!~serial_processor() execution time: 0 seconds
I posted version 2.2; you can now read all thermostat data, request an update from the thermostats, arm and disarm your panel, and cleaned up some code. I still have work to do (such as better documentation), but the script does contain all the information you need to get started, simply check the my.elk.ini template and the changelog.
OK - I can get temperatures and Tstat mode and setpoints from 3 Aprilaire 8870s.

Very Cool and thanks!

However, the HS "last change" field does not update for the Thermostat data, which would be nice. Also, is there any way to tell when a thermostat is actually calling for heat or cool. I can get the modes, but if I want to trend HVAC activity, I would need the active state. Maybe I'm missing something on this one.

the last change field should be an easy fix, I will update the script tonight or sometime tomorrow, and post the new update (I made some major changes to the documentation, so I was going to post a new version anyways).

As for being able to monitor when the HVAC kicks in, I don't think the Elk supports this (judging by a quick look at the protocol document), but I don't have a thermostat, so I can't confirm this. Your best bet is to turn on debugging, and look at the output when the HVAC kicks in, then paste the data in here.