Need help selecting a security system



My friend is looking for an alarm system for his 2nd house. It's an open area design with a basement. He need the following:

A Wireless system that can have at least 2 motions detectors, 2 doors contacts, a few window contact, one or more panic buttons. A big horn. A keypad near the door.

The system must be able to at least call on his cell phone and report what is happening by speaking.

Optionnaly, it would be nice if it would support water and temperature sensor.

He has a land line for the telephone but no internet. To far from the services...

The basement is not finish so i could wire the entry keypad to the panel in the basement if needed. The reason for wireless is for the motion detectors. Their placements is too complicated.

Thank you for the advice,

I do oppose AIO (all in one) panels, but if anybody wants a system to put it all together, make sure you disable the sounders and hide the keypad in the secure location, such as the bedroom closet.

If a cost is a concern, I'd recommend a Vista 20P, if you can go with hardwired sensors, motion detectors, smoke detectors, etc. If not wired, then pick up a 5881ENH from You can get a good deal by going with Vista 20P + 6160RF, which has a wireless receiver built into the keypad, but even better deal if you want 2 door/window contacts and a motion sensor.

I know this can be more expensive than AIO panels, but then you'd have to get an additional keypad -- a wireless keypad, if you want status information.

Anyway, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from buying AIO, but sadly, burglars are looking for easy targets, like smashing AIO panels, such as Rokonet WisDom, Visonic PowerMax+, Honeywell Ademco Lynx, etc. There's a reason why.

There are a lot of options depending on what he wants to spend, what he may want to add in the future, if he wants it monitored (and if so, subsidize the install cost by higher monthly costs), if he wants to control other things like HVAC and lighting, etc.

The Elk is awesome for voice interaction, hvac control, etc - and you can set it up with wireless sensors, etc - and you can put together a relatively system that'll do all that, and even be able to call ahead to set the temp to a comfortable level... and you have modes that make it automatically turn down when away-vacation to kinda automate the process. But, that's a more expensive panel.

GE, DSC and Ademco I think are the common systems I've seen much cheaper, but I don't know if any have voice options that are reasonably priced. And, any system should support water detector - it's just a NO sensor... but not sure which ones support temp - (Elk can) - but others here should know more.