Forgot to mention main electrical configuration: supply from street transformer comes into house and feeds main panel. On the main panel there is a 100-amp double breaker that feeds a sub-panel, all of whose circuits are powered by an external generator in case of a power outage (we live in the woods). The HAI controller is powered off one of those circuits.
The existing X-10 coupler is connected to the main panel. That is where I have room for the UPB breaker as well. Is there any complication by having the sub-panel in addition to the main panel? It seems to me that if the two phases coming into the main panel are coupled, the coupling should take care of sub-panels as well...?
The existing X-10 coupler is connected to the main panel. That is where I have room for the UPB breaker as well. Is there any complication by having the sub-panel in addition to the main panel? It seems to me that if the two phases coming into the main panel are coupled, the coupling should take care of sub-panels as well...?