OmniLinkBridge to integrate Home Assistant, SmartThings, Node-RED

grantlewis said:
grantlewis, on 07 Feb 2019 - 13:58, said:

Looks like 0.87.0 only makes matters worse. In addition to the loss of thermostat control, 16 OmniPro flags, which were previously operating as switches in 0.84.6, are unrecognized.

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/mqtt/", line 66, in async_discover
voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: extra keys not allowed @ data['brightness_state_topic']
Hmm. What's that all about? MQTT Switch does not even support brightness_state_topic. It's MQTT Light that supports it.

I wonder if it has anything to do with this breaking change in 0.87:
MQTT platforms will now flag mistyped configs from configuration.yaml correctly as invalid, instead of just ignoring them. (@emontnemery - #20562) (mqtt docs) (breaking change)
In other words, in previous releases, if you included an invalid MQTT parameter (like specifying a brightness_state_topic for a switch component), it would simply be ignored. As of 0.87, it no longer ignores them.
123 said:
Hmm. What's that all about? MQTT Switch does not even support brightness_state_topic. It's MQTT Light that supports it.

I wonder if it has anything to do with this breaking change in 0.87:

In other words, in previous releases, if you included an invalid MQTT parameter (like specifying a brightness_state_topic for a switch component), it would simply be ignored. As of 0.87, it no longer ignores them.
I'm working on fixing this right now. Yes it has to do with the breaking change you noted. I was mapping units < 385 to light and units >= 385 (outputs) to switches. However I used the same config generator, which Home Assistant just ignored the extra values until now.
I just released version 1.1.3 of OmniLinkBridge on GitHub, which fixes the above issue. Additionally I've updated my branches for the Home Assistant custom_components. Please note that Home Assistant moved them from climate and alarm_control_panel directories to mqtt. If you have the previous versions you will need to delete the old ones from your custom_components directory.
I'm going to try again to get the custom_component changes merged into Home Assistant's code base.
Updated today to HA 87.1.  Running fine.  I am impressed with the changes I see.
Updated OmniLinkBridge to version 1.1.3.
Thank you Ryan!
Not totally sure but it looks like the OmniLinkBridge time sync is doing something with the time putting it way off sync maybe?  I disabled it for time bean.
Only noticed this since update.

Looks like disabling the time sync fixed the issue.

Very odd never seen this before. Will stop the application today and re-enable the time sync to validate.

Seemed when enabled time sync OP2 would go off some 6 hours or more. It was an even to the hour.
Sorry if I missed it, but if I already have the prior version of Omnilinkbridge running, how do I upgrade to the latest version?  This is my first real foray into docker, so any help is much appreciated!!  (Love this program, been working great so far.)
pete_c said:
Not totally sure but it looks like the OmniLinkBridge time sync is doing something with the time putting it way off sync maybe?  I disabled it for time bean.
Only noticed this since update.

Looks like disabling the time sync fixed the issue.

Very odd never seen this before. Will stop the application today and re-enable the time sync to validate.

Seemed when enabled time sync OP2 would go off some 6 hours or more. It was an even to the hour.
I haven't changed anything with the time sync code. When you upgraded are you still passing -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro when starting the docker container? If not the container will be in UTC and not your time zone.
nym44 said:
Sorry if I missed it, but if I already have the prior version of Omnilinkbridge running, how do I upgrade to the latest version?  This is my first real foray into docker, so any help is much appreciated!!  (Love this program, been working great so far.)
It's almost the same steps as before. You just need to stop and remove the existing container.
cd OmniLinkBridge
git pull
docker build --tag="omnilink-bridge"
docker stop omnilink-bridge
docker prune omnilink-bridge
docker run -d --name="omnilink-bridge" -v /opt/omnilink-bridge:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --restart unless-stopped omnilink-bridge
Thank you Ryan.
When you upgraded are you still passing -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro when starting the docker container? If not the container will be in UTC and not your time zone.
I thought I updated it.
Learning still.  I had issues with the Amazon Alexa HA plugin not doing stuff in the docker container.
Yes the Docker OmniLinkBridge time is set to UTC....
/opt# date
Sun Feb 17 12:52:15 CST 2019
/opt# docker exec -it omnilink-bridge /bin/bash
/app# date
Sun Feb 17 18:53:21 UTC 2019
Did a quick change via command line:
/app# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime
/app# date
Sun Feb 17 12:57:16 CST 2019
root@ICS-Shuttle:/opt# date
Sun Feb 17 12:58:46 CST 2019

root@ICS-Shuttle:/opt# docker exec -it omnilink-bridge /bin/bash

root@ICS-Shuttle:/app# date
Sun Feb 17 12:58:54 CST 2019

I like the Lovelace UI display of the Omnistat thermostat with HA V.87.1.  
Lovelace UI messes with all of my MQTT sensors.

Way easier to configure the Alexa media plugin with HA versus the Samsung Smartthings.
Still a bit leery to go to V.88 of HA.  
Since updating to the new version of OmniLinkBridge the email part quit working.  
Forget where the logs are for the Docker forOmniLinkBridge.
I use it for sending emails and text concurrent to the Next Alarm stuff (overkill I guess).
MQTT is working fine and chatting to Home Assistant. So is the Smartthings Hub.

Ran the OmniLinkBridge via mono and see the error. Appears to be related to email and not the OmniLinkBridge.

OmniLinkBridge.Modules.LoggerModule: 2019-02-19 16:55:43,299 DEBUG: AreaStatus 1 In House, Status: ARMING NIGHT
OmniLinkBridge.Notifications.EmailNotification: 2019-02-19 16:55:43,385 ERROR: An error occurred sending notification
System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Message could not be sent. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Connection refused
at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor (System.String hostname, System.Int32 port) [0x0006d] in <5bf358e735be486487282a37cb3bce80>:0
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendInternal (System.Net.Mail.MailMessage message) [0x00006] in <5bf358e735be486487282a37cb3bce80>:0
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send (System.Net.Mail.MailMessage message) [0x00084] in <5bf358e735be486487282a37cb3bce80>:0
Found out that after updating OS et al I had shut off STunnel.  Re-enabled it and all is well.

Seeing a new system email event when testing out dialing out stuff...never saw this before...only did see it once after testing alarm dialing some 15 times. Probably cuz I was testing too fast maybe?

Email title: OmniLinkBridge system event
SystemEvent: DCM_ TROUBLE
SystemEvent: DCM_ OK

One of the old Homeseer 2 features that I liked and used was the onhook / offhook variable and AC power failure and Special status indicator.
Hi All,
I have been reading the mail here and really would like to get started with OmniPro-II integration into Home Assistant.
I have had an OmniPro for over 20 years. On third board now (OmniPro-II ver. 4.0B). Have Dealer PC access 3.
I am currently running Home Assistant on a RPI 3B. I am going to start over on a RPI3B+ and will use HASSIO.
So with a fresh install would like to get started with OmniLinkBridge but am hesitant. It looks like there is no HASSIO
add-on to install this so will do manually. I am confused as to what directory to place the files in and don't want to break the system
right off. The history here covers different installations (PC, RPI, etc) and want to get the install right.
I plan on installing the following hassio addons first: Configurator, SSH, MQTT-Mosquitto Broker then try to get OmniLinkBridge going.
Are there any others addons I should install first?  Can anyone give me a bit of steering to get me started in the right direction?
Again am trying to get started with the right directories.
You're in for a pleasant surprise, sawadee2. It sounds like you've on the right track -- just get everything set up as outlined in this thread's first post, and then also get up and running. I'd suggest making sure that is kind of "settled" -- so you know, restarted once or twice, to take care of its initial discovery processes so. Then enable the Omnilinkbridge and restart Home Assistant once again. You'll see that HA has discovered a whole host of new entities that you can play with.
it's highly unlikely you'll break anything. Jump in!