Purchasing Elk-M1G

Surdev had it right the first time - get an 8way Serial Moxa card, so you can plug serial devices directly in.

I think that server device is to take devices that only have serial, and you want enet compatability, right?

Just received my ELK-M1G today from AO.

Should have received it last week, but some POS A$$ stole my first shipment. Fed-ex left the package at my front door in an apartment and when I got home it was not there. Now we are going thru the claim process and Martin@AO was very helpful and they re-shipped the package to my office address this time. Isn't that awesome !!!

I opened the package like a kid and had THAT GRIN on the face. Now off to reading the manual carefully and I will be back with lots of question.

This thread http://www.cocoontech.com/index.php?showtopic=5630 from V1rtu0s1ty is going to be real helpful.

surdev said:
Should have received it last week, but some POS A$$ stole my first shipment. Fed-ex left the package at my front door in an apartment and when I got home it was not there.
Sounds like you should have also ordered a security camera for viewing/capturing images at your front door! :)