Tuya Smartlife Ending Support for IFTTT

Here was going to try to replace the firmware on a Tuya Inwall dimmer switch (never had seen one of these) with Espurna firmware. 
Only find Tasmota firmware for the dimmer switch. 
Espurna author (Tinkerman - Jose Perez - Spain)  has looked at the switch but not yet written firmware for it.
Both firmware updates would provide the option of in house use without a cloud connection.
But most folks who use IFTTT to integrate Tuya devices with other products will likely not be tech savvy enough ( or desire) to change firmare in each device. I think a point is coming where enough folks will get burned by the likes of Nest, Tuya, etc. etc. companies locking down their ecosystems that everyone is going to insist on local control that cannot be messed with by future decisions by the product maker or service provider. 