About to pull the trigger.... HAI vs Control4?

Not familiar with HAL or Cinemar... thanks for the post, bbob! I like the idea of emailing a grocery list to the mart, what parts do that?
Hi Jay-

The HAL system does this with a bit of configuring. Take a look at this site for some other ideas.


This is the Cinemar site.

This is the outfit that installed it.
The same group did an earlier installation in house around the corner from me about your size. They used Somphy blinds, but the Lutron ones work better. They also have an irrigation system controlled by 'Sophie". The name comes from the code word used to aactivate the system- you can choose and change it. Works pretty good.

Darryl Shore is the contact I have there. While I am not suggesting that it's practical , he would probably be happy to fill you in a bit about the system. Email him and see what you get!
He ran kilometres of CAT-5 to various places as well- now would do CAT-6.
I used component video out of a matrix switcher as HDMI at that time not available in ling enough cable and I don't want to hassle with DRM. USe a Russound intercom that they are hoping to integrate with Sophie so I can have microphone control as well as touch screen and voice over telephone.

Here is some info on UPB-


Good luck!