New Insteon Access Point


I was able to accomplish this with a keypad at the top of the stairs. I programmed the top ON button to turn on ALL the basement lights and the 4 keypad buttons to turn on "zones:. For example, I had one "zone" for the playroom which turned on the stair lights and playroom lights. Another "zone" was set up for watching TV. Then no matter what we did while in the basement, the OFF button would turn everything OFF.

Also, the ALL ON button was nice for my wife who didn't like to go to the basement at night if I wasn't home. This way she could turn on all the basement lights from the top of the stairs.

OTOH, a programmable double-tap could do the same with a switch.

That won't work for me. Local load is fluorescent and there are no relay Keypadlincs yet (ever?) Also I have approximately 1600 watts of lighting in the basement. There is absolutely no way I am going to have an "ALL ON" button. Folks would tend to use it even if they just need something near the bottom of the stairs. I only want lights turned on in an area if somebody actually goes there. I also want it to be impossible to turn off the lights on the way out but leave something on in a remote corner room somewhere.

It is possible to program a link to turn all the other lights on to 0% which effectively turns them off. that way turning the stair switch on turns everything else off and so does turning the stair switch off. In most situations this is OK but it still requires the link to do something with the other switches when you turn the stair switch on. I feel ther needs to be a way to have the link do nothing with an on and only respond to an off.
Local load is fluorescent and there are no relay Keypadlincs yet (ever?)

I actually asked again yesterday to CS and got the same old "we have no knowledge of such a product". SmartlabsMike did not deny it was a possible product but would not say anything else a week or two ago on another thread here.

If they told me they would have to disable all means of outside communication...... or kill me. I think they would rather kill me the way they treat me sometimes. :) They refused return of 6 unopened Icons from an order 6 weeks ago that I found I no longer need/want. Thats over $200 wasted (granted my fault for ordering them).
Local load is fluorescent and there are no relay Keypadlincs yet (ever?)
For what it is worth, the KeypadLinc Relay was on the March 2006 roadmap as a Q3 2006 product. I have no knowledge of the current status, but I definitely need some to complete my installation.
I would dearly like to see some type of official comment from SmartLabs on this. Leaving all of this up to conjecture and guessing cannot be too good for business.

I doubt they're going to say anything until extended messaging and any potential issues become a reality.
Anyone have a copy of that roadmap, or know where it might be found?
These are for 2006, not 2007.

Q1 & Q2
Linc Management Software
ICON KeypadLinc
ToggleLinc V2 Relay (White or Ivory)
ToggleLinc V2 Dimmer (White or Ivory)
In Line Modules (Dimmer and Relay)
ContoLinc Maxi w/ INSTEON Features
Linc Essential Software
PowerLinc Bare Bones (no daughter card)
SignaLinc Hardwired Phase Coupler

KeypadLinc Relay
Lamp Socket Dimmer
PowerLinc Ethernet
RF Remote Control
Hybrid (RF and PLC) Lamp Module
IR Linc - (Insteon to/from IR)
I/O Linc - (One input/one relay output)

3-Speed Fan Control Switch
SwitchLinc Dimmer (RF only for no neutrals)
KeypadLinc with LCD Display
RF Remote Control with LCD
Linc Plus Software
PIR RF Motion Sensor
RF Key Fob
Hybrid Lamp Module with Local Control
Its interesting, isn't it? Insteon topics tend to generate more posts than any other. I went back and looked. The biggest z-wave topic had 45 posts. The largest UPB topic had 55 posts and that was about getting the Elk to do z-wave. Lots of topics on problems with both but very few people jumped in to comment. For whatever reason, Insteon generates lots of opinion and emotion.
Its interesting, isn't it? Insteon topics tend to generate more posts than any other. I went back and looked. The biggest z-wave topic had 45 posts. The largest UPB topic had 55 posts and that was about getting the Elk to do z-wave. Lots of topics on problems with both but very few people jumped in to comment. For whatever reason, Insteon generates lots of opinion and emotion.

Probably because of the way SH has handled things........ People are upset. Granted they will never make everyone happy but they can do a better job of taking care of some of the problems that arise.

They really dont seem to care what people think. I believe some people have walked away from Insteon because of the problems and I bet they dont care.

I dont think its the engineering staff I think its the marketing group.

Just my opinion.
I purchased four of the SignaLincs in good faith, with the understanding that they ARE the access point for mobile INSTEON devices.

Where was this stated by SmartHome?

I found it in their help documentation for Houselinc

Using Smarthome’s SignaLinc RF to Upgrade Your INSTEON Network
SignaLinc™ RF Signal Enhancers are ideal for improving signal strength and network coverage throughout your home. SignaLinc RF acts like another member of the dual-band mesh network, tying it together by simultaneously retransmitting INSTEON signals across both radio-frequency and the powerline. It also provides an access point for RF-only INSTEON devices, such as handheld controllers.In addition, two SignaLinc RFs provide a wireless path for INSTEON signals to travel between the two separate electrical circuits, called powerline phases, found in most homes. Without a reliable method for coupling opposite powerline phases, some parts of your home may receive INSTEON signals intermittently. With at least one SignaLinc RF plugged into one of the powerline phases, and at least one more plugged into the opposite powerline phase, INSTEON powerline signals will be strong everywhere in your home.

Anybody with Houselinc can find this statement on page 38 of the help document. It also used to be in their advertising for the RFSignalincs.

So yes it probably should have been a even swap but at this point I am to tired of SH problems to argue this one.
I purchased four of the SignaLincs in good faith, with the understanding that they ARE the access point for mobile INSTEON devices.

Where was this stated by SmartHome?

I found it in their help documentation for Houselinc

Using Smarthome’s SignaLinc RF to Upgrade Your INSTEON Network
SignaLinc™ RF Signal Enhancers are ideal for improving signal strength and network coverage throughout your home. SignaLinc RF acts like another member of the dual-band mesh network, tying it together by simultaneously retransmitting INSTEON signals across both radio-frequency and the powerline. It also provides an access point for RF-only INSTEON devices, such as handheld controllers.In addition, two SignaLinc RFs provide a wireless path for INSTEON signals to travel between the two separate electrical circuits, called powerline phases, found in most homes. Without a reliable method for coupling opposite powerline phases, some parts of your home may receive INSTEON signals intermittently. With at least one SignaLinc RF plugged into one of the powerline phases, and at least one more plugged into the opposite powerline phase, INSTEON powerline signals will be strong everywhere in your home.

Anybody with Houselinc can find this statement on page 38 of the help document. It also used to be in their advertising for the RFSignalincs.

So yes it probably should have been a even swap but at this point I am to tired of SH problems to argue this one.

They are skirting the edges of class action law suit(s) at this point in time. I have already bailed on their sorry products and misleading advertising so that action is not on my priority list. I do still have my 'evidence box' in the event enough people get tired of being played for fools.

Only a starry eyed school girl could read all of the documents stated in this thread and still believe INSTEON/Smarthome did not put forth some serious BS about the original product. Again, their mistake, I am sorry, I will pay for it (not in this life). :ph34r:

It also provides an access point for RF-only INSTEON devices, such as handheld controllers.

There's your smoking gun. If I wanted a free swap, I'd call with that statement and complain.
I purchased four of the SignaLincs in good faith, with the understanding that they ARE the access point for mobile INSTEON devices.

Where was this stated by SmartHome?

I found it in their help documentation for Houselinc

Using Smarthome’s SignaLinc RF to Upgrade Your INSTEON Network
SignaLinc™ RF Signal Enhancers are ideal for improving signal strength and network coverage throughout your home. SignaLinc RF acts like another member of the dual-band mesh network, tying it together by simultaneously retransmitting INSTEON signals across both radio-frequency and the powerline. It also provides an access point for RF-only INSTEON devices, such as handheld controllers.In addition, two SignaLinc RFs provide a wireless path for INSTEON signals to travel between the two separate electrical circuits, called powerline phases, found in most homes. Without a reliable method for coupling opposite powerline phases, some parts of your home may receive INSTEON signals intermittently. With at least one SignaLinc RF plugged into one of the powerline phases, and at least one more plugged into the opposite powerline phase, INSTEON powerline signals will be strong everywhere in your home.

Anybody with Houselinc can find this statement on page 38 of the help document. It also used to be in their advertising for the RFSignalincs.

So yes it probably should have been a even swap but at this point I am to tired of SH problems to argue this one.

They are skirting the edges of class action law suit(s) at this point in time. I have already bailed on their sorry products and misleading advertising so that action is not on my priority list. I do still have my 'evidence box' in the event enough people get tired of being played for fools.

Only a starry eyed school girl could read all of the documents stated in this thread and still believe INSTEON/Smarthome did not put forth some serious BS about the original product. Again, their mistake, I am sorry, I will pay for it (not in this life). :D


I would hope that they meant it and it was accurate when they stated it. Things went down hill for them since then. BUT THEY SHOULD STAND BY THERE PRODUCTS AND FIX THEIR MISTAKES AND NOT AT OUR COST.

I have wasted hundreds of dollars on their products that dont work. I have thousands invested in Insteon and it kind of sort of sometimes (ok getting better to most times) works. I have over 25 devices installed now (more to go) and it still has relaibility issues but it is better than it was to be honest. I may need to add on to the house to have enough devices to be reliable.
I may need to add on to the house to have enough devices to be reliable.

Digger -

I really think you should look at your house to see what's causing so much interference rather than trying to compensate by adding more and more Insteon devices.

Switch reliability and failure rate is one thing, but I very rarely hear anyone talking about signal reliability - and when I do, it almost always ends up being some sort of interference by an appliance, UPS, PC, fluorescent light, etc... I don't think it's a common issue, at least not to the extent you're experiencing.

Obviously adding more Insteon devices will probably help, but I think in the long run it would be better for you to filter out the source of your interference.

My Insteon switches are almost 100% reliable switch to switch. I am having some issues controlling via CQC, but that's a whole other story...