Nowplaying project Netremote Pro

Here is the latest Nowplaying V.2 (soon to be uploaded) main screen running under Netremote Pro. The graphics have been touched up a bit. Clicking on the word "Artist:" will take you to the COVERS page (see above post) and display all the CD's by the current artist that is being played. Hitting the EQ will pop up a zone independant graphic equalizer. Clicking just on the small red LED will toggle the EQ on and off. Dragging the small knob under the album cover will advance the current song being played.

JRMC supports internet radio. Once imported in the Media Library the statons can be treated like any CD and given the genre RADIO they can be viewed as show below.

When you click the album cover it toggles to show the currently playing list. From the list you can right click and select any song to play. or remove the song from the playlist.
Well I have my CID log screen working. It will pop up over the main screen as well as Nowplaying screen. Also thanks to Harleydude we now have a way to wake up the monitor from Homeseer. When the phone rings the WAFNetcallerID script executes and anounces the CID info via Text to Speach.

Then it will store the last call as well as the previous 14 calls in virtual devices within Homeseer. These are kept in a rolling buffer script that keeps the newest call in Q1 and the last 14 calls in virtual devices Q2-Q15. As these devices are updated the Nowplaying CID log is also populated through the hsGirder plugin. Once the NR variables are all updated the Homeseer script will un-hide the CID log page by changing the STATE variable and also indirectlly cause a LUA script to run that will awaken the monitor. Lastly a timer is created that will auto 'hide' the CID page after 45 seconds. Also touching anywhere on the CID page will also cause the panel to hide as well.

Here is a screen shot of the CID page. The numbers were blanked on the JPG file.



  • CID_screen2.jpg
    82.6 KB · Views: 33
Hey John:

You could add this line to get your phone numbers in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx if you want:

ancid = "(" & Left(s_ncid_number,3) & ") " & Mid(s_ncid_number,4,3) & "-" & Right(s_ncid_number,4)

Now, how can I remove the seconds from the time "NOW" (in 12 hour AM/PM format)?

BraveSirRobbin said:
Now, how can I remove the seconds from the time "NOW" (in 12 hour AM/PM format)?
Ok, so now I'm quoting myself ;)

Anyway, I played around with this and came up with the following (yes, I'm sure it can be simplified):

x = datepart("h", time()) 'gets military style of hours (0-23)

y = time 'current time

	if x=0 then stime = left(y,5) & " AM"
	if x>0 and x<10 then stime = Left(y,4) & " AM"
	if x>9 and x<12 then stime = Left(y,5) & " AM"
	if x=12 then stime = Left(y,5) & " PM"
	if x>12 and x<22 then stime = Left(y,4) & " PM"
	if x>21 then stime = Left(y,5) & " PM"

msgbox stime 'Time in 12 hr am/pm format without seconds
A couple of quick comments.

There are hour and minute functions (among others) that can be useful.
time = now
hr = hour(time)
mn = minute(time)

Also, I'd change your code a little bit:
y = time 'current time
x = datepart("h", y) 'gets military style of hours (0-23)
Just in case the hour changes between those two lines.