OmniLinkBridge to integrate Home Assistant, SmartThings, Node-RED

Mosquitto broker install is easy.
sudo apt install mosquitto on same box
point to the loopback address of
by default there is no user name or password for mosquitto broker
you can edit the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf for the username and password
Here tested without a user name and password configured in mosquitto
that said Home Assistant mosquitto configuration in the configuration.yaml file needs a user name and password to work
such that I just put one in even though it is not being used.
I followed Ryan's installation using docker line per line
Initially here installed the default Home Assitant IO which is more than you need (entire kitchen sink stuff).
Put everything here in the /opt directory as Ryan did.
1 - install docker
2 - install Home Assistant in docker
3 - install Node Red in docker (optional)
4 - install OmniLinkBridge in docker
5 - configure INI file with your OmniPro panel stuff and MQTT stuff - leave the rest at default

I used Homeseer 3 mcsMQTT to see the chatter which I saw right away once all configured.

In Home Assistant main page when starting if connected HA will create all of your OP panel variables on the top of the screen.
I have successfully manged to get Home Assistant working flawlessly with OmniLinkBridge.
My next question is: I want to use Node Red with OmniLinkBridge. What topic do I use to subscribe to the broker to see the OmniLink data? I have tried omnilink and homeassistant and do not see anything.
joe morris said:
I want to use Node Red with OmniLinkBridge. What topic do I use to subscribe to the broker to see the OmniLink data? I have tried omnilink and homeassistant and do not see anything.
[Big, fat edit because what I wrote earlier was more wrong than right]

For my situation, all of the exposed entities showed up in States. From there, I either wrote automations or just referenced them in Node-RED directly.
joe morris said:
joe morris, on 09 Dec 2018 - 08:49, said:
My next question is: I want to use Node Red with OmniLinkBridge. What topic do I use to subscribe to the broker to see the OmniLink data? I have tried omnilink and homeassistant and do not see anything.
I would download an MQTT client like MQTT.fx. This way you can subscribe to # and see all the topics available as the data comes in.

For example to subscribe to the first thermostat temperature you would want
Here my first NodeRed endeavor was connecting an RPi to a 1-Wire network using OWFS. 
I googled it as as I had not clue how to do this.
Worked well using an RPi and a 1-Wire Dallas hub and installation of OWFS.
Just googled Node-Red connecting to a MQTT broker and see this:

Node-Red Connect to an MQTT Broker
Just utilize Ryan's example above and the example shown in the Node-Red cookbook.
Import this:

[{"id":"2c6873d2.992abc","type":"mqtt out","z":"eda2a949.74ea98","name":"","topic":"sensors/livingroom/temp","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"407a01e4.6b637","x":330,"y":80,"wires":[]},{"id":"d9beed59.94155","type":"inject","z":"eda2a949.74ea98","name":"","topic":"","payload":"22","payloadType":"num","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":150,"y":80,"wires":[["2c6873d2.992abc"]]},{"id":"be80048.8f232f8","type":"mqtt in","z":"eda2a949.74ea98","name":"","topic":"sensors/livingroom/temp","qos":"2","broker":"407a01e4.6b637","x":170,"y":160,"wires":[["8640b8ff.f82ff8"]]},{"id":"8640b8ff.f82ff8","type":"debug","z":"eda2a949.74ea98","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"false","x":370,"y":160,"wires":[]},{"id":"407a01e4.6b637","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","broker":"localhost","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":"","birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":""}]

Change the stuff above to using your broker and Ryan's example.
Note here utilized Homeseer mcsMQTT to see all of the OmniLink stuff rather than MQTT.fx.
Installed MQTT.fx here on my Linux laptop.      
1 - sudo apt-get install default-jre      
2 - Installed deb for 64 bit linux
3 - configure it to your broker and use the same as above to find Omnistat temperature.    
4 - wait a bit and you will see the temperature on the bottom of the gui.   Works great with OmniLinkBridge.  
Thanks everyone. That helped.
Is there any way to get omnilink to respond to a single MQTT command and return all items that are being monitored? I would like to code a setup routine in node-red. BTW, I am a node-red expert. :)

Or... How does Home Assistant do it with omnilink? I can maybe emulate that.
Just a quickie post relating to installing Home Assistant on an RPi3.
Same instructions as above except for reference to RPi3. 
1 - OmniLinkAN:/opt# docker pull homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant
2 - mkdir -p /opt/home-assistant/config
3 - OmniLinkAN:/opt# docker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /opt/home-assistant/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --restart unless-stopped homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant
4 - mkdir -p /opt/home-assistant/config/custom_components/climate
5 - cd /opt/home-assistant/config/custom_components/climate
6 - wget hxxps://

7 - docker restart home-assistant

and another one relating to installing nodered on the RPi

1 - docker pull nodered/node-red-docker:rpi-v8
2 - mkdir -p /opt/node-red/data
3 - docker run -d -p 1880:1880 -v /opt/node-red/data:/data --name mynodered --user root --restart unless-stopped nodered/node-red-docker:rpi-v8
4 - docker exec -it mynodered /bin/bash
5 - cd /data
6 - npm install node-red-contrib-home-assistant
7 - exit
8 - docker restart mynodered
Hi everybody, I'm so confused.... In my pc I'have installed OmniLinkBridge and it works... Now what I need? MOSQUITTO? DOCKER? I have a pc with win10 or I can use raspberry. What is the best configurations? I don't have clear what is the goal of this topics (I don't know what is "home assistant", but i understant that with it i can use the voice commands by google, right?), but i want to test it!
You need to install the Mosquitto broker on a computer in your home that is on 24/7.
For the Raspberry Pi it is easy to install Mosquitto.
Just type:
sudo apt install mosquitto
For Windows there is a bit more to it.
You do not need to install docker unless you want to install it Ryan's way with:
1 - Docker
2 - OmniLinkBridge running in Docker
3 - Node Red running in Docker
4 - Home Assistant running in Docker
The Mosquitto broker is very light.
I have currently set up a RPi3 here running Docker and OmniLinkBridge, Node Red, Mosquitto Broker and HA for a CT forum user using Stretch Lite and a 16Gb microSD card.
I am still a bit leary about running an OS on a microSD card.  The newer RPi's that I am running are currently doing well. 
It is not sweating at this time.
Final set up here will be to install a Rock64 4 Gb computer with a second NIC inside of my OmniPro 2 can running a firewall router and automation software and POE powered.
Historically though have trashed a few microSD cards running Ubuntu on my Pine64 2 Gb computer.  I do want to change over to running on a Rock64 4Gb computer using an eMMC card.
My tabletop touchscreens (old) have 1 Gb and 2 Gb eMMC cards and continue to run Linux just fine after almost 10 years now.  Only that 1Gb and 2Gb is kind of small for an OS.