Powerlinc Serial and Powerhome


I tried the reset. I can actually hear the relay tripping I think. I need to swap it out and put it into a test setup and experiment with it when I get the time.

There is less than a 150 watt load and its an ICON Relay switch with CFL's in high hats in the garage/excercise room.
Mike said:
That is probably a good assessment, combine that thought with the rumors that they are re-thinking the protocal and I think we have a reason why insteon software has been so scarce and why there have been comments on virtually any implementation that some issues have been seen.
As with any technology company SmartLabs Technology is continuing to make improvements and look for new ways to build upon INSTEON. We are committed to the customer and all improvements made are with the end user in mind.

For clarification, SmartLabs Technology is not rethinking the INSTEON protocol.
Thank you for squashing that one! It led down a very dark path....

Glad to hear reassurrances on this, Smarthome has clearly supported its customers from an RMA basis for any issues that have been there for the devices.
But is Smarthome changing the firmware so that older units will not be compatible with the newer software (regarding extended messaging etc).
I believe software will have to support the older modules. They did publish a hardware conformance paper, but I think it was in the SDK and not on the general access web page.