Lennox (iComfort etc) integration

I wish. All the research I've done indicates that they are closed and proprietary. I wish I had done that research before I spent all of that money on a furnace that requires a specific and closed thermostat.

If I ever learn of a way to integrate with it it will be a happy day.
This is all by plan and you fell for it. What better way to keep "Lennox" in the minds of their high-end customer but to force them to go to Lennox.com or whatever to change your thermostat settings?  They don't want you going to Nest or anywhere else.  Just go with a single-stage or at most two-stage AC and any thermostat controls it fine. Want zone control, add a regular Honeywell zone controller which also works with regular thermostats. I replaced mine about a month ago, got a single stage system, which the installer got to 16 seer by carefully matching the coil to the blower. Cheaper to buy and SO much cheaper to eventually fix should it break.