PCS MiLightStyle Anybody using it?

Scott just called me from his car. The lack of SAI support is because SAI has not sent the memory maps that have been requested many times. ELK support is coming. Bottom line, be patient.
I have been waiting since last year when i received the unit. 9 months is a long time to get information from SA. I would pick up the phone and call SA if it was hurting my sales.
I don't think the lack of SAI support will be hurting sales that much. PCS has its own line of switches, and I am sure many professionals go the PCS route, especially if they would consider the MLS. All IMO of course.
Dan I thought you felt it was very overpriced but I guess I am remembering incorrectly.

Anyway if SA support is not any priority to PCS I will trade over to the web mountain controller that supports all UPB mfg's and even other protocols. The ELK support has also been on the back burner since day one and i am not confident PCS will follow through so why wait any longer? I have emails from December/January that it would be anytime now.
Too expensive for me, yes, but I am not the target audience, plus there is no other controller like it out there. I do like the Web Mountain controller as well, but it doesn't let you manage your links, and do all of the other advanced stuff the MLS does.
There is another controller just like the Milightstyle. Its called the ISY :). Ands its around half the price. Same basic hardware just different firmware and PIM. I think it has proven itself. To bad UDI did not go with UPB instead of Insteon first.

For PCS to say its intended for pro's who will only use PCS then they should say that in their advertising. "Note Milightstyle firmware revision XX is only compatible with PCS UPB devices" and is intended for professional installation. Future firmware revisions may support additional manufacturers. That would make it clear to people not to buy it if they have any devices from other mfgs.
I did say IMO ;)

A lot of work went into the UPB component of the Mi Lightstyle controller (I really can't get used to this name), I just finished rendering the video (22 minutes), but you can tell it's more than just a simple driver switchout, it's a whole UPB management system. I wish the ISY supported both UPB and INSTEON, but I would guess that there just isn't enough memory/CPU for this combo. For DIY'ers, you are better off looking at a HomeSeer appliance.
I did say IMO ;)

A lot of work went into the UPB component of the Mi Lightstyle controller (I really can't get used to this name), I just finished rendering the video (22 minutes), but you can tell it's more than just a simple driver switchout, it's a whole UPB management system. I wish the ISY supported both UPB and INSTEON, but I would guess that there just isn't enough memory/CPU for this combo. For DIY'ers, you are better off looking at a HomeSeer appliance.

The MiLightstyle would be more reliable and keep the lighitng in synch better than homeseer. I actually have Homeseer but dont use it (staring at a Hometroller as I type this).

I have used the ISY and the Milightstyle. They are nearly identical in GUI and capabilities (as identical as you can get). They did a great but incomplete job. To not ell people what is missing is wrong IMO. You should not have to take the training class to get the secret handshake to know this. Anyone can use the ISY and Milightstyle without training (heck there are no instructions still for the Milightstyle.)

Where I work this would be a crisis that would have to be resolved immediately. For a simple lack of information to complete the firmware for 9 months would not sit well with management. They would put someone on a plane (trust me its happened to me) to sit on someones door step till they get what they needed after the first month or so of threats. Good and bad depending on how you look at it.

Want to trade your MiLightStyle for the WebMountain RUC? I bought the RUC first - it's cool that it can be a networked CIM and some of the basic UPB control; but it wasn't quite what I was looking for. I was hoping the MiLightStyle would be the right replacement - too bad they're having issues getting the required info. What makes me wonder though is that UpStart can program anyone's switch - don't the developers of it have all the necessary info on file? Why does anyone have to ask for it again?

Also - I can relate to the business aspects - reminds me of this - at a certain point, nobody cares why - just get it done. Period.

And I'm serious about the trade... if you want to work something out, let me know.
Todd seriously might but it might be cheaper in the long run to leave it collecting dust for another 9 months to a year and see what happens. And yes i hear what you are saying about upstart having the information but i woud hope they thought of that:) Its not just the SA, HAI compatability. Its been 9 months and the instructions are not published yet. To me it seems they are not taking the product seriously. There are probably more UPB users then Insteon looking at the polls so the potential market is there.

If you ever used an ISY you know it really ties everything together well and their support is fantastic. This product is made by the same people but there is not the same effort or support so either UDI does not have the resources or PCS is not paying them for it i guess.

Thankfully in 4 years i never had to replace a UPB switch and reprogram it. With Insteon i could not go a few weeks without a switch dieing. Would be a nightmare without an ISY and thats why I bought one years ago in a failed attempt to salvage Insteon.

Anyway "be patient" is a relative term. Is it 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years :). If its a legal issue it may never happen.
Here is a video of MLS in action:

Also, Scott did tell me he was actively working on the documentation, so I am sure it will be available soon.
Is Scott the only guy at PCS? :) Seems that way lately.

I personally dont need the instructions as its basically the same as the ISY i have already used. Its just unusual to be selling a product for months without them.

I just need the firmware update if/when its ready.

Bob i assume then you have 100% PCS devices so its all good for you?
Is Scott the only guy at PCS? :) Seems that way lately.

I just need the firmware update if/when its ready.

Bob i assume then you have 100% PCS devices so its all good for you?
Scott is the main guy now. They are hiring a training director so Scott can focus on other things.

.14 is the latest firmware.

I have a mix of product manufacturers.

How about a call to SAI and ask them to send Scott the memory maps?
SA was already closed. I tried sending a message to their tech support contact system online. I will try to call them on Monday, however, if they dont reply to Scott i doubt they will reply to me.

Unfortunately at work we are only using zwave so i cant request it as a OEM.

I am only guessing but since SA and Web Moutain are tight SA may not want to do anything to help PCS.

Bob if you have a mix of everything like i do how is yours working correctly for the SA devices etc?