Thanks Rupp, I hope so too, though the latest projected path isn't coming straight for us,,, but that just means it's going towards someone else. My worst fear is that it gets into the Gulf and strengthens. Would be like last September all over again....
We are keeing a VERY close eye on it here! Went and filled the cars, did the whole canned goods, bottled water thing. All of the gas stations here are already empty. Most are, from what they say, are not expecting more gas to come in until Thursday.
I do not have a generator, but I do have two 750 Watt Inverters, and used them in the last hurricane, and they work very well! Was enough to run a couple fans, the Direct TV Tivo/receiver, 32" LCD TV, and a bunch of lamps with flourecent bulb replacements in them. (And of course my computer with a surge protector plugged into a UPS to get as steady and clean of power as possible). Ran the car for 3 days straight and only used a little over a 1/4 tank.
The CRAZIEST thing is last year, the airport was demolished here. My roomste's plane survived somehow. He was not taking another chance this year, and we went and took the wings off of it yesterday and it is sitting in between the house, and the neighbors house! I feel like sending a photo into Jeff Foxworthy for the Red Neck yard of the week! hahahaha It's strange looking out the den window and seeing an airplane!
I cant wait to see what the Home Owners Association is gonna say about this one!