13 temp sensor system up and running


Hi all,
I finally completed the first part of my 1 wire system.
I have 13 DS18S20s connected to a DS9097U.
I used the splitters that I mentioned and showed how I modified in
the thread titled "RJ-45 junctions, 3 female connectors "
I'm using the Lampomittari software that I ask for help with in another thread.
I like the program, but still don't know all the features. I'm using the part of the program
that shows the temperatures as digits. The digits are white but if you have a high temp alarm
the digits displaying that sensor turn RED. Colors are all changeable. If a freezer is empty and off
I can move it to a different group so I don't have a RED display in my active group.
I can run a graph of all the sensors.
I ran into one sensor that was defective, when I plugged it in all sensors would stop working.
This a good reason to connect one sensor at a time. I did find the system to be a little slow, when
I attached a new sensor, I might have to wait 3 or 4 minutes for the system to find the sensor.
Once the sensor is found it seems to update regularly.
I have attached a drawing of how I connected all the sensors and the lengths I used, just as a
reference for others putting a system together.
I'll try to post some screen shots of the display this evening.
What's with the JUNK links?

I didn't post any links, I just refered to the previous threads.
I thought they would be easy to find, but here are the proper links.

"RJ-45 junctions, 3 female connectors "

"Lampomittari software that I ask for help with in another thread."

Thanks, Mike

cool... I had the hobbyboards master hub and 6 temps setup..... and was going to do every room in my house... the only problem I had was getting the wires ran to my second floor... could not get it done....
so I went oregon rf temps and love them....

the 1 wire is cool though...
I used rj11 connectors where I could... and some just soldered into the wires.... worked like a charm when I had it working...
What's with the JUNK links?

I didn't post any links, I just refered to the previous threads.
I thought they would be easy to find, but here are the proper links.

"RJ-45 junctions, 3 female connectors "

"Lampomittari software that I ask for help with in another thread."

Thanks, Mike

cool... I had the hobbyboards master hub and 6 temps setup..... and was going to do every room in my house... the only problem I had was getting the wires ran to my second floor... could not get it done....
so I went oregon rf temps and love them....

the 1 wire is cool though...
I used rj11 connectors where I could... and some just soldered into the wires.... worked like a charm when I had it working...
I may end up with a master hub at sometime, future plans are some greenhouse sensors and I hope to put up a couple of solar collectors
and I would like to monitor the temps during testing.
I may have done overkill with my RJ45 connectors, the cat5 and the splitters, but now that it's done, I'm happy with it.
I started a thread earlier about "How sloppy did you get wiring your 1 wire system"
As you can see from my diagram the system seemed pretty forgiving.