Now that I have thought about it. What are the benefits to selling plugins via the installer? You get your own forum I guess. I wonder if Rich/Rick are encouraging this so they do not have dozens of smaller plugins to manage?
CocoonTech will offer any commited plugin author (or anyone creating home automation, theater or security software) his/her own support sub forum if desired, so hopefully that won't be a show stopper.
I assume another benefit is that you don't need to worry about the mechanics of taking money from individuals. You just collect big checks from HST.
Big checks? Not really, but they do support the HA habit. :blink:

There are other benefits besides the forum. The installer for example.

I could sell the plug-ins by myself, but then there is the license key issue. If I decide on that route I'll take E up on his generous offer of a forum.

Maybe all the plug-in authors could go for a barter system, trading plug-ins like baseball cards. lol
I talked with Rick about this and got some more info on the price changes.

He said that the increase in the percentage (25 to 30) is to bring it up to the markup that a distributor would charge. This is because there are distributors that are wanting to sell the plugins. So if you leave your plugin with HST, it will start being sold in other places as well as the HST store.

If you have a plugin that you want to sell somewhere else, you are welcome to do so, and HST will still provide the license codes to you. If you choose to do this, there will be no hard feelings from HST.

It almost sounds like you would have better control as to where your plugin would go (good/bad thing) if you were to select another place to host it (such as Cocoontech) because if you didn't, no telling where it would wind up. Or am I missing something here (which is what usually happens).
Sorry if I sounded too critical in my other post. I think my big concern is the Wavalizer/Randomizer pricing will be way too high for what they do. I think they're useful but I know I wouldn't pay $29.95 for them. The Outlook Interface I do see being able to hold its own, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what's coming.
RedDirt HS 2.0 is not even out yet. According to the HST developers HS 2.0 will be released in beta just after Christmas.