PC Access comment problem


New Member
Hi, I have a vacation home "cabin" that runs an Omnipro system. I do most of the programming there on weekends with PC Access, but like to occaisionally modify the code remotely from home or work.

When I read the program from work, I get the current code from the cabin, but the embedded comments and comments that I use for version control from my last change at the cabin do not update at my office. I only see the comments that where in my last saved version at the office.

If I modify the programming at work, both the programming and comments DO travel to the controller however and I lose the comments that were in the controller previously.

I am using PC Access rev at both locations and the Omnipro II is at rev 3.8A.

Anybody seen this?
Due to memory limitations, comments are not stored in the controller. The only comments that are being saved are the ones local and then merged with the code that you download from the controller. If possible, you might want to remote into your home computer from work and do the edits there so you only have one real source file.
Thanks guys, I thought that my comments from the office edits overwrote the comments at the console end, but I must be wrong on that.

Thanks for clearing that up so fast.


If you update your controller from multiple computers at multiple locations put your account file on a thumb drive and keep it with you.

- or -

Do all the changes from you home computer. When you need to make a change from the office use remote desktop, log me in or whatever to log into you home PC and make the changes from there.