marvell plug computer

i have setup my 3rd dock as a headless asterisk intercom in our garage, using a gamepad for dialing using pjsua

i'm also experimenting with using one of the docks to do interior motion sensing using a camera instead of motion sensors...
Thanks Pete,

Some decent WAF from that. I had to pull an OLD script / webpage from backup to get the rest of the "good" looking weather related maps. Just need to see which ones my wife likes, then figure out how to arrange them on the webpage.

Couldn't figure out how to add an animated GIF to HSTouch at first...then I found, add an embedded webpage...all is good now.

REALLY love being able to embed webpages. I have REALLY nice webpages with LOTS of data and formatted well. Until I convert over to total HSTouch, it is really nice to just embed the existing decent WAF since she is already familiar with such webpages from when we had Audreys running.

I really like how EASY and QUICK it is to put webpages together (I did 3 over the weekend...took me all of 2 hours...I would say 30 minutes of that was figuring out the animated GIF thing).

You give me good hope that I can use the dockstar with this. I have 3 of them. As soon as I can get my hands on another "throw-away" thumbdrive, I'm going to hack the others. Then, DD my current thumbdrive to the others. Hopefully will give me a 90% solution quickly. After that, hope to get one setup with HSTouch. It would be nice to have a box I can bring downstairs to view pages as I work on them. Then put the box back where I got it (I think the bedroom).

I ended up with three of them also. Thinking of turning one into an NTP server (plus other things). I did notice that the newer 4Gb thumbdrive is a bit faster than the microsd 16Gb drives that I am using. Second one base is not really using a lot of space yet.

root@debian:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs 3.1G 287M 2.7G 10% /
none 60M 32K 60M 1% /dev
/dev/sda1 3.1G 287M 2.7G 10% /
tmpfs 62M 0 62M 0% /lib/init/rw
tmpfs 62M 0 62M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 62M 0 62M 0% /tmp

Relating to the DS HSTouch; still needs some tweaking on the Mimo drivers part/Touchscreen piece of it.

I am not sure if you ever saw the attached posted on this forum a while a go. I am not sure who wrote it though.



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Had to delete my response...

I did get it working...apparently since my "server" is serving the image...and my server does NOT have flash installed...that's why it won't work on the server.

It did work on a different machine I looks like I just need to get flash on the server and "bingo"

That's a REALLY cool interactive map. Thanks for sharing!

I have been trying for quite awhile without success being able to use Samba on the hacked dockstar. I had no issues installing it, starting it etc, but I just cannot get Windows 2000/XP/7 to see below DEBIAN\mcs1 of the Samba share. I get the message "Windows cannot access \\DEBIAN\mcs1" on a Network Error message box.

My current samba configuration file is below. WORKGROUP is the name of my windows workgroup. I have also tried security = share and get a different error, but still an access-related one. I have defined the mcs1 user in debian and in samba and used the same password as my Windows mcs1 user under which the Windows side is logged-in. I have also tried disabling Windows firewall and have tried W7 registry hacks that I found via google. I am not at all concertned about security at this time and just want to be able to have a common share between dockstar and Windows.

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = %hserver
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
syslog = 0
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panaic-action %d
security = user
encrypt passwords = true
obey pam restrictions = yes
unix password sync = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n/n *password\supdated\successfully* .
pam password change = yes
browseable = no
read only = no
create mask = 0700
valid users = %S
path = /mnt/mcs1
read only = no
create mask = 0765

I also have a Samba server on my NAS and I have the desired access to it, so I'm thinking that the issue is something that is setup on the debian side. When I check for services I get what I expect as shown in the attached. Any ideas from those who have success with Samba on the dockstar?

If I wanted to abandon the file share and use usb stick what would I need to do on the debian side to be able to see files on a second usb stick that was created on a Windows system?
Any ideas from those who have success with Samba on the dockstar?

---I used webmin, and just kept reducing security until it let me in. I had a LOT of trouble as well, however Webmin really reduced the amount of "messing up" I could do myself. Kind of gave me a little bit of a boundary to work in.

If I wanted to abandon the file share and use usb stick what would I need to do on the debian side to be able to see files on a second usb stick that was created on a Windows system?

---Just plug it in and mount it. That's all I did. The hard part was figuring out the command line. However, after looking at Webmin, it has pull down selectors to create the command and execute it automatically for you. I've already used this method to try out accessing files and getting the above shares to work. I would say, so far, my setup works as a local LAN setup, but someone more *nix smarter than I needs to figure out how to do the sharing properly. Like I said, I just keep removing security until it worked for me. My next goal is to get RAID working. I've not yet had the time to tackle this.


Michael, I may be mistaken but I think you may need to disable encrypted passwords and enable plain text as windows sometimes has issues with this. The other option is to set "guest ok = yes" negating the use of usernames and passwords.

I also notice that you have browseable = no set for [homes] but nothing for mcs1. Samba inherits this setting from the main group so you may not be able to see the contents without explicitly stating "browseable = yes" in this section.

Dan, good news. I like the map and how it works with the TS.

Mostly lately attempting to write the ZM install / tweaking / XAP post on HS. Its kind of difficult as sometimes will write and by accident will delete or mess up the formatting making it seem to be taking forever. I am also trying to write it such that its easy to understand.


Reading what you wrote; sounds definitely like its relating to how you have security, pc firewalls, groups, etc set up on your network. I see a reference to "homes" - W7 networking "stuff". Microsoft / W7 is redefining what home networking should be like. They want to make it secure and plug n play; which is a good thing but not for what you want to do with the dockstar at this time.

For moving just a few MB's of files stick to using WinSCP.

Samba Wiki

Read the Samba Wiki relating to using it. My playing with it lately was on the NMT's to get the fastest thruput moving Gb's of data. I was able to tweak it on the NMTs such that the fast transfers are still only OK. (GB's of files).

I am currently playing the the 3rd Dockstar; reconfiguring it per what I've written. I've had no issues with Samba (setting it now at least maybe 5 times). In the last couple of days I've been tweaking xwindows on it and now playing with the mimo touchsceen pieces of the linux mimo drivers as I have it working but have to figure out best means to calibrate the Mimo touchscreen.

I would though recommend using Webmin; both relating to speed and "plugnplay" pieces. I can see the shares fine from all of the rest of the computers on the network (W2003, XPSP3, flavors of Linux and W7).

In the last few days I've been setting the boot/reboot of the dockstar to do clean boots. 3rd build is on a 4Gb stick and its been fine. Not paying attention I decided to do a Gnome GUI install with all of the bells and whistles; walked away from it last night. Looked a couple of hours later and noticed I had totally filled the stick and it didn't complete the install. It still boots up fine so this morning imaging it back to a 16Gb memory stick. The following Samba configuration file was created by Webmin. (calling it DS1 of 3 right now)

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (
# Date: 2010/11/18 05:02:50

        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        guest account = guest
        admin users = pete, root
        obey pam restrictions = Yes
        write list = pete, root, @sambashare
        guest ok = Yes
        username map = /etc/samba/
        winbind trusted domains only = Yes
        dns proxy = No
        netbios name = ICS-DS1
        netbios aliases = ICS-DS
        writable = yes
        server string = %h server
Thanks for suggestions. Changing the browsable and guest variations got me no closer. The same with security set to share level. In some cases it made is worse and that I cannot get below the DEBIAN share name to any folder. What I did was try to access from my wife's Vista computer and had success when logging in as root. I was then able to see and interact with the folders under root. Each time I reboot her computer it again prompts me for the network credentials and when I login under mcs1 I have the same problem as I get from W7. Apparently I used mcs1 as my initial network loginn to DEBIAN on W7. The problem is with W7 is that it remembers the last login so apparrently it automatically logs me in to mcs1 and then I have no access. I think I have no access because samba was created under root login so mcs1 cannot get past that level of security within samba. I've searched for ways to force or reset the W7 network login, but did not find answers. Anyone know how to tell W7 that it should not used a login that was used in the past? DEBIAN is not one of the entities under network credentials of Control Panel.

For FTP what do I need to do on Debian to make it an ftp server? I use WSFTP Pro often on the Windows side so will keep with it, but what do I need on the dockstar side to be running?
You can install FTP via command line like "apt-get install proftpd" or use Webmin. Then set it up with Webmin.

Have a read here about using SFTP.


SSH Wiki



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The work-around I am using now is that I renamed my domain using smb.conf from "DOMAIN" to "domain.local" (equal to the DNS suffix). Samba automatically created a new sambaDomainName entry in LDAP which uses the same domain SID. Surprisingly even my vista machine which was joined to the DOMAIN NT-Domain did not even complain about the disappeared "DOMAIN" and seems to be able to connect to the "domain.local" NT-Domain without any change (while in system properties it still claims to be member of the "DOMAIN" NT-Domain).
Found this relating to W7, sharing and Samba.

On your W7 box:

Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Local Security Policy

Local Policies - Security Options

Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
Send LM & NTLM responses

Minimum session security for NTLM SSP
Disable Require 128-bit encryption

Another one:

Try samba 3.3.4, and make the following edits to the Win 7 registry:

DWORD DomainCompatibilityMode = 1
DWORD DNSNameResolutionRequired = 0

DWORD RequireSignOnSeal = 0
DWORD RequireStrongKey = 0

The work-around I am using now is that I renamed my domain using smb.conf from "DOMAIN" to "domain.local" (equal to the DNS suffix). Samba automatically created a new sambaDomainName entry in LDAP which uses the same domain SID. Surprisingly even my vista machine which was joined to the DOMAIN NT-Domain did not even complain about the disappeared "DOMAIN" and seems to be able to connect to the "domain.local" NT-Domain without any change (while in system properties it still claims to be member of the "DOMAIN" NT-Domain).

I found another work-around which does not require changing your Samba configuration (which might have other side-effects too).
You can use group policy to enforce the DNS suffix. To do so open the group policy editor (e.g. run "gpedit.msc") and go to Administrative Templates => Network => DNS Client. Here you can set the "Primary DNS Suffix" policy to match your DNS domain.

Alternatively you might set the following registry REG_SZ value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\System\DNSClient\NV PrimaryDnsSuffix
Set the value to the desired domain sufix (e.g. "domain.local"). Then reboot the machine and see 'ipconfig /all' printing your custom primary DNS suffix. However within the system properties you will still see your "DOMAIN" listed but it's overridden by the policy value.

You can do this change before or after joining the domain. Note that the error shown by Windows about the failure to change the primary DNS suffix on domain join is still there. This change only allows you to fix an invalid primary DNS suffix which you're otherwise unable to change after domain join.

So here's a reg file which works for me:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Enable NT-Domain compatibility mode
; Default:
; [value not present]
; "DomainCompatibilityMode"=-

; Disable required DNS name resolution
; Default:
; [value not present]
; "DNSNameResolutionRequired"=-

; Disable requirement of signed communication
; My Samba works with signed communication enabled, so no need to disable it.
; Default:
; "RequireSignOrSeal"=dword:00000001
; Disable the usage of strong keys
; Default:
; "RequireStrongKey"=dword:00000001

; Enforce DNS suffix




Remember that Samba was written to use MS SMB protocol. MS can do whatever they want with SMB; so it'll be Samba that has to be updated.

Because of the importance of the SMB protocol in interacting with the widespread Microsoft Windows platform, coupled with the heavily modified nature of the SMB implementation present in that platform, the Samba project originated with the aim of reverse engineering and providing a free implementation of a compatible SMB client and server for interoperating with non-Microsoft operating systems.

Microsoft introduced SMB2 with Windows Vista in 2006.

SMB Wiki
Doing another step by step base build of the Dockstar/Mimo base just utilizing what I wrote. Filling in some granular details.

I'm seeing issues now with the Mono repositories for some reason from my last setup.
Tested out a new Dockstar Midon Temp-08 (05) XAP application which Michael (MCS) put together. Works well. It is done with a similiar to Windows GUI running as a separate from HS application feeding the HS XAP DB.


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damage / Pete,

I think I found "the" backup solution for us. Using the Dockstar as a server, we might be able to install Syncrify.

Looks like if you do a lean install of Linux, you should have enough space to get the server running on the Dockstar.

Man, now I'm jazzed up again. I'm going to play around with this on my Windows beat-up box to get familiar with it. If it's happy, I'm going to get my Dockstar up and running again (took it down as I diverted my time to try to help out a HS user with a problem...which I'm still fighting).

I've kind of left the Dockstars to do there own thing now....but still have a couple in boxes that I haven't opened up yet....I noticed that a "rewrite" of FreeNas was done and many folks are unhappy with it. I've noticed that Freenas works better with the Raid1 1TB setups than the 2TB drives in the Freenas box. I'm still though replicating what's on the FreeNas box to other boxes "just in case".