marvell plug computer


Thank you for the details about your touchscreen configuration. For the older TS's in the house I utilize the wired PIR sensors to wake up the screen and for the Mimo I created a "push button" to sleep the computer and I just touch the screen to turn it on. I am having problems though that the Mimo drivers are very fussy relating to the powered Hub. Sometimes working and other times I have to reboot and unplug the USB cable and plug it back in.

Not sure if its worth the effort of 1 USB cable versus three VGA TS cables. Same thing you describe happens with the Mimo Monitor where it doesn't see the TS piece. I have to go in and tell it; then I have to readjust.

So are you thinking of using the JTAG DTR pin to power the screen?

DTR = Data Terminal Ready. It's just a handshake line for the serial port, when used with Hardware Flow Control. You can assert it separately from the rest of the lines, so I would tie that into a small optical relay and tie that across the same contacts that the power button presses. Probably the easiest / fastest / cheapest thing (especially using my "remote media controller" program I've got partially built...would let the server remote serial commands to this device through the network...I know I could "get" something that would do this...but hey, building it is 1/2 the fun...right!?)

BUT you do make a good point...I could just tie that into the relay that provides the power to the monitor. Probably a cleaner solution, as I KNOW if there is power or not...where my method I'm just toggling the state...

Although...I could read the state by tying the power latch into the mate to DTR...RTS - Requet To Send. They are just regular I/O signals (passed over Serial Voltage with this "Nokia" thing being 3.3v TTL, might not need voltage translators...but we'll see).

Found out there are differences in JTAG cables.

You are not kidding. I deal with them in my day-job. I have 6 or 7 of them. There's a ROUGH standard...and realistically speaking...we are not using a JTAG cable. These "serial" programmers are just boot loader cables. JTAG DOES do what you suggest...holding the chip in a halted state, but it does it with hardware lines, not "diverting" the bootloader as you are suggesting. does the job, so I don't want to pick a fight about semantics.

Historicallly I've only known it to be a serial cable - like the one you bought. The little CPU boots up and you interrupt the boot process and you are at a prompt. It works well with the Seagate. BUT there's another JTAG device which uses voltage or ground pins in connection with the serial cables. This lets you get into the computer if there is no bootloader by breaking the CPU boot process, do a couple of memory writes back to the memory. A bit more to it than I wanted to know.

yeah, the typical "standard"

Finished the setup on the micro SD card - only thing is that it keeps defaulting to booting the Dockstar. I do see it reading a bit from the MicroSD just not booting. I've read of issues relating to timing and such about booting off SD. It worked with the notebook/USB drive thing.

Here's what my reads look like (slow).

Pogoplug:/bin$ hdparm -tT /dev/sda

Timing buffer-cache reads: 970 MB in 3.00 seconds = 323.05 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 18 MB in 3.04 seconds = 5.92 MB/sec

Doesn't seem too slow. What did you do to get that speed reading? I'd like to see what my thumbdrives are reading.



Interesting info.

Just type the following to get the reading.

hdparm -tT /dev/sda

Tried again with the microsd. Formatted. Starting an install. It quit with a RW error. Did it again; this time it worked. Took about 20 minutes or so.
Reboot and took a while and booted into Debian.

root@debian:~# cd /
root@debian:/# ls
bin etc lib mnt root srv usr
boot home lost+found opt sbin sys var
dev initrd.img media proc selinux tmp vmlinuz
If you want to install Webmin (I use it for ZM here). Here are the instructions. Works well.

I also installed NTP and syncing clock to my NTP server.

#apt-get install ntp ntpdate ntp-server

This is bad...I have installed about 5 packages in the last 10 minutes. Better reboot....

Not even dinging the SD card:

root@debian:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs 14G 472M 13G 4% /
none 60M 36K 60M 1% /dev
/dev/sda1 14G 472M 13G 4% /
tmpfs 62M 0 62M 0% /lib/init/rw
tmpfs 62M 0 62M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 62M 0 62M 0% /tmp

If you like to install and update Webmin via APT, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file on your system and add the line :

deb sarge contrib

You should also fetch and install my GPG key with which the repository is signed, with the commands :

cd /root
apt-key add jcameron-key.asc You will now be able to install with the commands :
apt-get update
apt-get install webmin All dependencies should be resolved automatically.
I have something goofed, or I'm missing something...I still can't get Samba sharing working!

I can read the drive, but I can't write to the thing.


Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

I'll install Samba today on it. I have a small USB 1 TB drive that I use to test the PBO (with Samba - slow transfers of 3-5 Mb/s). Once installed (samba) Webmin can manage it.

The only issue right now I see is that I can't get Webmin to "autostart" no matter what I do. It does take a bit to restart the Dockstar via the microSd card. I don't see any RW errors though with it booting. (just a bit slow). The dockstar is sitting on my desk in my home office. With SSH, WinSCP and Webmin running it makes it easy to "play" with thruout the home. Thinking of still connecting JTAG serial cable to get a "different" concurrent view of the device which playing (can throw the USB / serial link on to the network too).
I noticed a small issue when trying to install Samba (funny cuz I didn't notice any issue yesterday installing other stuff).

The issue was that when installing it download most but not all of the packages. So then I figured my network connection wasn't just right. I checked and noticed that the gateway was kind of set up but not really. The test was to just ping www google dot com. It didn't get to it. Doing a trace / route for some odd reason didn't show a GW address. I then checked and noticed that no GW was configured. Once configured then the Samba download/install/configuration worked.
The only issue right now I see is that I can't get Webmin to "autostart" no matter what I do.

ok, so it's not just me. I see it is set to auto-start, but I had to do the ole' /etc/init.d/webmin start command to get it running after my first reboot.

Maybe that command just needs to be added to one of the .sh files that is set to "auto-run" ?

I noticed a small issue when trying to install Samba (funny cuz I didn't notice any issue yesterday installing other stuff).

The issue was that when installing it download most but not all of the packages. So then I figured my network connection wasn't just right. I checked and noticed that the gateway was kind of set up but not really. The test was to just ping www google dot com. It didn't get to it. Doing a trace / route for some odd reason didn't show a GW address. I then checked and noticed that no GW was configured. Once configured then the Samba download/install/configuration worked.

Will check my gateway...strange as it installs most things...but you are right, I DID notice missing packages (the missing samba password program).


Check here:

# cat interfaces

If you are OK you should see for iface eth0; address, gateway, netmask, network and broadcast. My setup only had address, netmask and network.

Funny cuz I did a bunch of APT installs yesterday with no problem. I then tried Samba install this morning and it was unable to get to about 50% of the web sites. I then just tried a simple dub dub dub ping and noticed that DNS names didn't work. I could though ping addresses internal and external to the network. So I configured "interfaces" with the gateway address and all was well after reboot. BTW same occurred with Webmin trying to install Samba. I did a quick update search on the words "samba" and it returned over 3k in software applications. So what I am saying is that you can use Webmin as a GUI to update your Debian install (instead of the Apt install command).
make sure you do an 'apt-get update' - this updates the database of available packages - it could be the database is out of date and the install is referring to a version that is now gone. this happened to me before.

for run @ boot, make sure there is a link in /etc/rc*.d that points to your webmin script in /etc/init.d - see for more details

i haven't been hacking it much lately. i've been waiting for parts to come in to try. i got a cheap $9 usb-video capture device since the webcam angle wasn't working. it came yesterday and i used this driver and this tweak (somebody already went through trying it on the dock) to install it. together with motion running 640x480 and 2 frames per second, it uses about 15-20% of the cpu.

Thanks for the tip.

Here's what I got:
cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

since it states DHCP, I then did:
eth0	  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:75:1a:a2:c5
		  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
		  inet6 addr: 2002:43f0:a260:1234:210:75ff:fe1a:a2c5/64 Scope:Global
		  inet6 addr: fe80::210:75ff:fe1a:a2c5/64 Scope:Link
		  RX packets:10021 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
		  TX packets:4342 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
		  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
		  RX bytes:1388191 (1.3 MiB)  TX bytes:1448516 (1.3 MiB)

I can ping w w w . g o o g l e . c o m without issue. So, maybe I'll try using webmin to remove samba, then let IT install it. I am thinking I goofed something up when I tried to install samba through command line. It's been a I'm ok with admitting that I didn't know what I was doing!

Your "interfaces" is fine for DHCP but....

Personally I would change from DHCP to a static IP on your Dockstar before installing Samba (you could just re-install it). Here is what you will see relating to Samba once set up on the Dockstar with Webmin.
damage, thanks for the links. I ran your command. I will try to see if I have access tonight.


Thanks for the links, if the command that damage posted doesn't work, I'll try doing a full re-install of samba. Heck, since i don't have that much vested in this right now, I'm ok with just wiping the partitions, re-creating, then starting with webmin. Maybe this way I won't bugger everything up!!
