OmniTouch 7

jcdavis said:
Version 1.6 improves the security issues (the most critical), and improved the responsiveness of the audio - hooray!  So the immediate "broken" stuff is being remedied, which is great.
Did v1.6 resolve most of the issues in post 102?  How's it working with your MCAC5?  I haven't cut the holes in the wall yet, and probably won't for a little bit anyway.
Lastly, how loud is the whine?  How many feet away can you start to hear it?
I noticed that besides the OT7 firmware, there is also a new controller firmware and PC Access update. Will update in a few days. SJ
Updated everything and all seems well. Humidity now displays correctly and zone status still works fine. The update for the OT7 took 45min! Not sure it took that long the last time as I recall. SJ
I have been using v1.6 since release and observe the following:
  1. The touchscreen now reliably arms/disarms the security, and zone status is appearing and updating accurately and responsively;
  2. HiFi2 controls for power, volume and source selection now work.  There is little lag.  Still no use for the HAI dock, so no display of metadata, cover art etc. Such a waste of those pretty screens... :(
  3. The whine/huffling sound emanating from the left side of the panel is unchanged.  @codybear asked how loud it is: you can hear it from a few feet away.  You would likely only hear it in a quiet room, but it is most definitely audible;
  4. No change to the functionality of the CCTV cams, so there is still little usability for cameras since you cannot make them "pop" on events;
  5. The addition of the forthcoming e-mail module is most-welcome (though it's not been released just yet)... I'm keen to test this out and if it works it means I won't have to meld HomeSeer with my installations to get e-mail functionality!  
What is the sound coming from the left side? I can barely hear it. Thought it might be a small cooling fan. SJ
I have not disassembled any of the units to determine the root source, but it is definitely something present in every single one we've installed.  It sounds to me like maybe just some white noise on an open speaker/sounder line in the units?
Like I said, It's subtle but it's most definitely there.  In the units I've installed in my own home, I've had guests standing near one and ask what the sound was. And my clients have asked me as well. In other words, it's not just something that only I can hear :)
In terms of priority, yeah, it's at the bottom of my list.  I'd rather get the functionality fixed/finished first, and this can certainly wait until later...
Did you download the latest via PC Access? 1.5 was never available via PC Access. You should get 1.6 when you use the upgrade feature of PC access. There is a specific step which checks for updates for the OT7 just the same as checking for controller firmware updates. SJ
Once the update is installed, it will still say 1.5 in the Discover dialog in PC Access, it seems. Can anyone with 1.6 installed that did not install 1.5 previously confirm this?
lupinglade said:
Once the update is installed, it will still say 1.5 in the Discover dialog in PC Access, it seems. Can anyone with 1.6 installed that did not install 1.5 previously confirm this?
I can confirm that mine says v1.5 also still, even though I upgraded from v1.5 to v1.6.
Maybe it's stuck because v1.5 wasn't "officially" released?  (though I imagine that the version field is simply over-written: I can't imagine it being "validated" in any way before over-writing!)
The version was accidentally left as 1.5 in the discoverer. if you go to the settings screen and it says you have 1.6 then it updated successfully.
Like all of you, I am totally frustrated with HAI. It used to be such an amazing product but has turned into a nightmare at 2 customer sites because of the HAI HTX and the omnitouch 7.
The HTX-2 has the ability to do IR channel marcos but because of a software bug I reported 2 years ago, has never been fixed. I like to use channel maco's for the channels on the sat systems, radio stations, XM stations etc and the HTX unit does not have enough memory to store all the maco's, channel macro's are available but have never worked and they don't care to go back and fix it even though it's a known issue from 2 years ago.
The Omnitouch 7 has been a dismal product. I reported the issues with the zone's not updating, alarms not being processed and worst of all, troubles not being displayed on the system. By replacing all units in once house, the customer has no way to determine or even notice there is problem with the system locally. Tech support at best has a bad attitude and most aswers I recieve on the phone or my email are quite "curt" and dis-passionate when it comes to solving issues.
Not sure I will ever promote this product again. According to my distributor here, people are switching to better designed systems from Honeywell.
codybear said:
Did v1.6 resolve most of the issues in post 102?  How's it working with your MCAC5?  I haven't cut the holes in the wall yet, and probably won't for a little bit anyway.
Lastly, how loud is the whine?  How many feet away can you start to hear it?
My MCA-C5 works quite well with the Russound, sometimes it takes a second or two for the metadata to update. The DMS3.1 does not send any MetaData to the system via the serial port because it does not have RNET connection to the rest of the Russound Stack. This has been a bit of a pain, but since both system's are ethernet based, one would assume that some development will take place to get that data on the screen via TCP/IP but given HAI's lack of "passion", I doubt it will ever happen.
I was looking forward to getting an Omni touch 7 until I read these posted. I'm quite dismayed at this point and don't think I will be getting one until I hear of better experiances. 
@deborahT - I too was not happy with my choices when it came to android when I installed my OP II panel a year or two back. I ended up writing my own program to control all my HLC lights. Works great!
I had future plans to expand the app to control the security and thermostats. At the time I had not setup the controller to do security or temp. I'm now at the point to installing both. Think I'm going to throw in door locks too.
I'm most interested in what you have come up with for Android and would be willing to share my current work with you as well.
I cant see how I can see you profile to contact you? Hopefully you will see this post.
To everyone else, has the Omni Touch 7 improved any more? Last I see here is update 1.6 came out and there is still a ways to go to correct things.
The OT7 is a slick product.  For maybe 80% of users, it's pretty and it does the basic stuff well while looking good doing so.  The trouble is, for the remaining 20% who want what it's really capable of, or at the least want the OT7 to not REMOVE functionality that existed in the 5.7, it's very frustrating.
The 1.6 release addressed the obvious "broken" stuff - namely that the security interface now works (critical for a system that is security at heart, and to not have to explain to homeowners why they can't use their slick touchscreens to control their security system), and that the basic functionality of lighting and audio control.
To me, now that the basic functions work, I feel better about the OT7 but it's still annoying to not have the things that the 5.7 had. Nobody wants a new product that is a DOWNGRADE from their old product in feature set.
I have to agree that @rhombixt hit the heart of the issue though - lack of passion.  I was excited to learn of Leviton's acquisition at first because I thought it added a great capital and distribution base to build the HAI product line.  Whether that is happening or not is unfortunately obfuscated by the corporate opacity that is all-too-common with larger enterprises.  I miss the days when you could call HAI and they were passionate about their product and could address your concerns.  Now when you call, it's either that you talk to a corporate drone who doesn't know anything, or doesn't give a hoot to share it if they did.  The former is an organizational problem; the latter is tricky because while I understand the need to keep some secrets to maintain pace in a competitive market, the cone of silence just makes the dealers and users mad.  
Give us a development timeline.  You knew you went to market with a decontented product that didn't do half of the predecessor product it "replaces" - surely you have a plan to give those features back... Don't you??  Share some information so we can continue to promote and support your product in the field, or else we'll sell and install a product that doesn't leave us exposed in front of our customers!
The lack of passion concerns me greatly.  My biggest fear is that Leviton bought HAI to bury it.  