PCS, creators of UPB, considering offering HAI OmniPro repair service, input needed!

I have some Omnitouch 5.7 screens but I don't have the RJ45 pigtail that comes with the unit. Does anyone know the wiring of the 4 leads into the 8 pin RJ45?
This explains some of it if not all.

I assume we need to find a source of these chips? If China is unreliable, could we build a list of pc networking cards using this chip?
A quick check on ebay shows the Realtek Ethernet Card 460-0139-003 as an example...
Before ordering RTL8019AS ethernet chips from China I checked all the boards in my scrap box to see if any had it but none did. Today I found an old Netgear RP114 router I had bought in 2002 and it does have the RTL8019AS chip. Could have swapped the chip over to the OP2 without waiting 2.5 weeks.