Getting HAI console to speak?


Active Member

Just trying to get a couple things ironed out before I hit the full program. I'm trying to get the omni console to announce contact status. I have a contact on the boys windows. I'd like it to tell me when it opens. This seems straight forward enough (without programming). However it just displays text. If it's armed it speaks. If I change it from perimeter to aux. nothing. If I change it to aux emergency, it has a long beep, then tells me. "Aux alarm" "zone 51" "boys window open tripped" and repeats.

I just want it to tell me they have opened the window. Windows won't be a big deal, but I just started there. However I want doors to announce. Such as garage man door, or patio door. Letting me know the little ones are going where they are not supposed to.

Anyone give me some guidance? Seems I may have to just write custom logic for it , and have controller "speak" instead of using built in voices drop menus in the zones tab.
I got it to talk with an automation block.

But it's quiet. Any volume adjustment? Also how many speakers can I series on the Two-way voice?

I don't have my WHA in yet. So paging in a ways away.
This is a key failing of the Omni.
If you want it to announce zone open and closing you have to program each zone individually.
You have to make a message and program the say block for each one.

The voices associated with the zones themselves are only announced during alarms or over the phone interface.

There's a wiring diagram around here somewhere showing multiple speakers.
You have to wire them in both series and parallel to maintain the proper impedance.

There is a volume adjust on the voice board.
Also, an inexpensive amplifier will boost the volume.
I turned the pot up all the way. Still way to quiet.

Yes the function of this is a let down. Considering most door to door installers with their free wireless systems, for monitoring contract, have good loud announcements...

Any recommendations for an amp? I will have 4 consoles, once my russound is in it should be better
Through custom programing. The power of "messages" gives the programer the power to select an EVENT, creat a custom message from the 500 word vocabulary for it, SHOW on keypads and or touch-screens, SAY (voice annunciation) and LOG the created message or NOT.

I can not see this as a "This is a key failing of the Omni", but custom power.

SHOW message - "bedroom window is open"
SAY - "alert bedroom window is open"
LOG - "bedroom window is open"

When ZONE ?? is SECURE
CLEAR message - "bedroom window is open"

Just creat the custom message and voice announcement first, then pick the EVENT.
I use this method to show and announce birthday's with a TIME EVENT.
The voices for the zones are already stored in memory.
There is already a check box for announcing perimeter and entry/exit zones with a chime without programming.
The not ready zones already show in the text window of the console when they are opened, a check box to announce via voice would be simple.
There is already an announce zone on alarm option.
It would be simple to make the option include announce with voice, or chime, or both when they open.

You have a fixed number of message slots.
Using them up for zone announcements when they are already stored in the zone descriptions is redundant and inefficient from a programming standpoint.
Each one you use up in this manner is unavailable for other functions, announcements, ProLink traffic, etc.

There are a fixed number of programming lines
By programming announcements you are using programming behavior that is already monitored and announced via text and chime and you are using lines that could be used for other functions.

Showing custom messages through other triggers is what programming should be used for.
Like birthday announcements.
Not routine functions such as zones opening and closing.

The say, show, log functions of a message each take a line of programming.
So three lines if you want to do all three, plus the trigger line.

Many people here desire this function.

Ergo, it is an oversight.
CJW-PIC said:
SHOW message - "bedroom window is open"
SAY - "alert bedroom window is open"
LOG - "bedroom window is open"

When ZONE ?? is SECURE
CLEAR message - "bedroom window is open"
That's six lines per zone.
I have 10 window zones and 10 door zones.
That's 120 lines.

But you don't need the show and clear sections because the zones show NotReady automatically.
So ostensibly, 3 lines per zone = 60 lines.
I'm using a very inexpensive 12VDC12W amp on a circuit board I got off eBay in my shop.
It's actually pretty good, all surface mount.

I am installing a HiFi2 in the house.
What do you think the speakers are rated for? 10-15w @ 8ohms. Looking at a 40wx2 @8ohms.

Think I'll have 5-6 consoles. Currently it will be 4. Then adding one to garage, and back shop/garage.